Chapter 26- The call

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As Jackson finishes showering and gets dressed, he walks out.

DJ: "Okay, let's go now"

They all walk down and walks towards the restaurant.

Hostess: "Aloha! How many is in your party?"

DJ: "Aloha, and I reserved a spot it's under the name Fuller"

Hostess: "ah yes, Fuller. Right this way!" *The hostess shows them to their table.*

Kimmy: "ooh, fancy"

Steph: "woah, the look at these prices"

They all look at them.

Waiter: "aloha! Are you all ready to order?"

DJ: "not yet but we are ready for drinks. I'll take a beer"

Everyone looks at her

Steph: "did you just say beer?"

DJ: "Yes"

Steph: "Okay, just making sure,  I'll take one too"

Kimmy: "And me!"

Fernando: "me too!"

Jimmy: "and me"

Val: "well I'm having a water"

Ramona; "me too"

DJ: "Lemonade for Max and Tommy"

Jackson; "Water for me too"

Waiter: *writes down the drinks* "okay I'll be back"

Ramona: *sat beside Jackson* "how are you feeling?"

Jackson: "I bit better. Hey Fernando did you bring those meds?"

Fernando: "Yes I did! Here" *He hands him the bottle*

Waiter: *brings drinks* "ready to order?"

DJ: "Yes," *they order their food. The waiter writes it down*

Waiter: "okay great. I'll be back"

Jackson: *Takes another pill. He's phone beeps*

Val: "Who texted?"

Jackson: "Uh idk let me check." *He looks on his phone* "it's Rocki"

Ramona: "What does she want?"

Rocki texted 'hey Jackson, when you come back.. I need to talk to you, very important'

Val; "What could be very important"

Ramona gulps. She suddenly gets up and goes to the bathroom.

Kimmy: "what's going on?"

Val; "idk... but I need to use the bathroom." *She gets up and follows Ramona*

Jackson texts back 'can I call you?' Rocki replies with 'uh sure'. Jackson also gets up and goes to the bathroom.

DJ: "What is happening?" *She looks at them*

Steph: "Maybe it's nothing..."

Val: "Ramona?"

Ramona is crying

Val: "Ramona, are you crying?"

Ramona: "Yes. Rocki texted him I bet she wants to go out with him and he's gonna say yes and I should have never express my feelings and my life is ruined"

Val: "Hey don't think that. Maybe it's something else.. we can't really say anything. Plus Jackson said he has feelings for you too and kissed you"

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