Chapter 2

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Darkness. I was never the type of person to feel safe in it or like it at all. But now I did. It was just sweet nothing no duties, no noise, nothing which could hurt me. However, I eventually started to feel myself slipping from that place.

My mind was still cloudy as my eyes refused to open just yet. But I knew for sure that I wasn't alone. I didn't know who or what it was though. But it was moving.

I still didn't want to communicate with this world, but my curiosity was stronger. I blinked open my eyes and looked to my left. I saw Taryn sitting in my teal armchair reading a book. What caught my attention were her crossed legs. Well, the left one which was silently swinging.

Taryn was my older cousin and she was also older than Jaysen. Unlike Jaysen she looked more like their mom, soft facial features, light blond hair and even the two had even the same ability. However, she had their dad's eyes and tanned skin. Right now she wore blue simple dress which looked fabulous on her. Not that I would ever admit it out loud, I wouldn't hear the end of it for the rest of my life. And considering our life span was indefinite, that was a very long time.

"What are you doing here?" I quizzed, only them realising how quietly it sounded. I couldn't help but wonder how long I had been out.

"You're awake," she looked up from the book, smiling brightly. I could hear a relief in her voice, but I didn't pay it any attention cause as she spoke my head started to hurt again. No, that wasn't the right word. It didn't hurt, but I could feel something between a pressure and tickling in my head. It was hard to describe.

"How are you feeling?" she questioned me as she walked over to my bed, sitting down on the edge. With every move she made there was more of this weird tickling. Yeah, I had decided to call it tickling for now. It didn't sound as if it was something bad. Even though it could be but I didn't know that for sure yet.

"Hmm... Not bad," I didn't look her in the eyes, but kept it fixed on my bookshelf, "There's just a weird tickling in my head."

"What do you mean?" she asked, a slight concern filling her voice.

"I don't know," I glanced at her, "I'm just trying to describe something that I don't understand."

She frowned more and told me, "I will get Elwin. You will wait here in the bed, understand?"

"Sure," I agreed. After all where would I even go? Taryn got up, heading out of my room. As she closed the door, there was no more tickling. I closed my eyes again and enjoyed the silence and peace. Quite contrasting, considering I was usually the one causing the chaos.

But maybe... maybe I could take a break from that. Just for a moment.


I sensed someone open the door quietly. Was this how it was going to be now? I guess so.

I sat up, grinning when I saw Elwin. "Elwin, my dearest uncle! How are you today?"

"You are definitely enthusiastic for someone who slept for a whole day," he stated as he examined my messy appearance.

"Whole day? Damn, my sleeping schedule will be so messed up," I exclaimed in surprise. I figured that I had slept for few hours but I didn't think it was that long.

Elwin moved a chair from my table closer to my bed, sitting down with a pen and a block of papers in his hands.

"You know it looks more like an interrogation than few questions about my health," I commented his actions and the unusual lack of words.

"Elysha, you said that you had a tickling in your head. I've never heard of something like this, of course I'm concerned," he frowned. Before I could say anything, he continued, "Could you tell me, what happened yesterday and explain the tickling?"

Miss Greek Nerd	{Keefe Sencen x OC}Where stories live. Discover now