Chapter 8

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I felt myself slowly slipping from the sweet darkness. Eventually my ability started to properly function and I took in the room which I was in. Confused, I realised that it was the Healing centrum. Also I wasn't the only one laying there.

I hesitantly opened my eyes, only to find Jaysen. He looked... fine. Except the slight frown he had in his sleep.

I tried to sit up but hissed in pain and slumped back down. My whole body felt incredibly sore. Like I had just run a marathon and my body had completely given out.

I turned my head to the side as I heard a door opening. And not so surprisingly Elwin walked in, wearing his usual colourful coat and with Bullhorn on his shoulder.

"Ayo, what's up?" I grinned at him and tried to wave, only to wince and put my arm back down.

"Don't strain yourself and drink rather this," Elwin instructed me as he handed me a vial of some weird dark pink elixir. Throughout the yearsI learned not to question elexirs' compositions so I drank it immediately. I coughed as the horrible taste attacked my poor taste buds.

"I know it's terrible, but it will help your muscles to recover," Elwin said with a faint smile.


Only then my memories came back. How could I even forget about it in the first place? I was literally in a cave, and blacked out from... I didn't even know what! Which led me to another question...

How did I get out?

But instead of asking that I glanced with concern at my cousin, "What is he doing here?"

"Don't worry, nothing happened to him," he waved it off, "He was just too stubborn and refused to leave. At least he's asleep now."

"Oh," I nodded and even though I didn't want to admit it, I was a little bit touched by the gesture. Sure, he could be as annoying as imp, but then again, he never feared to stand up for Reuven, Vafara or even me. And during the years of mockery in Foxfire I had appreciated it many times.

"What happened with me?" I continued interrogating Elwin. I had so, so many questions and I needed answers.

"I should be the one asking that," he mussed to which I frowned.

"You're the physician."

"Yet all I was told was that you were taken to neutral territories. Otherwise I was advised to not pry since it was a secret work for councillors and you weren't even supposed to be there," he explained though I could clearly hear the frustration.

"I guess that makes sense," I agreed reluctantly. Did I know that some of dad's missions for Council were a super huge secret? Yes. Did I think this little trip was one of them? Nope.

"Except I still don't know why you blacked out and still have a dozen tests to run to make sure, you're completely fine.

"How many?" I quizzed, hoping that he was maybe just exaggerating a bit.

But Elwin made all those hopes disappear in a snap of fingers, "You'll stay here for the rest of the weekend."

"Doesn't weekend exist to stay out of the school?" I groaned.

"It's not that bad here," Elwin objected.

"True," I nodded, smirking," Bullhorn is the best."

As if the banshee could understand me, he leaped of Elwin and landed right in my arms. My grin only widened as I nuzzled my face into his soft fur.

I heard Elwin chuckle and sensed how he headed to his office, "Try to sleep while you're here and yes, I know about your night stay-ups, so does Lynette."

Miss Greek Nerd	{Keefe Sencen x OC}Where stories live. Discover now