🎄Christmas Special🎄

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Merry Christmas!🥳
Alright, before you go ahead and read it, I just wanna tell you, that this happens after Biana befriends Sophie. I know that the timeline probably doesn't make sense, but I really wanted to have her in it, so thank you for understanding.

Now, enjoy the story!😊


"ELYSHA! WHERE ARE THOSE RED RIBBONS YOU HAD TOLD ME ABOUT?" Biana shouted as she stood in the middle of boxes with various decorations.

"IT'S THE ONE WITH WHITE CURTAINS!" I yelled back from the other room, where I was putting up garlands, using levitation. Dex had told us that humans loved garlands so Keefe took it upon himself to create some. And to my surprise they actually looked... great. And I even hadn't found any sort of prank put in them. At least yet.

You see, it was winter and we all noticed that Sophie was a bit gloomier than normally. So Keefe and I interrogated her a bit, literally demanding to know, what was going on. But in the end Dex was the one whom she told, that she missed celebrating a human holiday called Christmas.

Naturally none of us wanted her to be sad so we all agreed to throw a party in Goldmeadow (since anyone was rarely here), trying to celebrate this Christmas. It even went as far that Dex and I agreed to forget our grudge toward Vackers for one evening. After all, it was for Sophie's sake.

As I attached a garland to the wall, I turned around to take another, but there already was levitating Keefe with one in his hands.

"Need help, Ilios?" he smirked at me as he handed me the decoration.

"Not at all, but I appreciate it nonetheless," I smiled at him and tried to put it up. However, a pair of black pearl eyes looked at me from the garland. I yelped in surprise, letting go of the garland and loosing concentration over my levitation. I would had fallen down on the ground if a pair of arms didn't catch me first.

"Nah, you totally needed it just now," Keefe wholeheartedly laughed.

I frowned at his antics and threatened, "Keefe, I swear if you won't let me go-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence as he actually let go of me. But I kind of expected it and managed to lend on my feet without twisting my ankle.

I looked up to give him one final glare and then squinted my eyes at the little animal in the decoration on the floor.

"Keefe, what is it?" I quizzed as I approached it carefully.

"Nothing to worry about!" he jumped down next to me and stretched his hands forward to catch the animal and I finally got a better look at it.

"Imp?" I raised my eyebrows at him, wondering where the Underworld he got it.

"Not just some random imp," the empath tsked, "This is Iggy and he's Sophie's little friend."

I blinked, surprised by the news. "Out of all pets she seriously got an imp?"

"Hmm, she told me once that she rescued him or something like that. And then kept him," he shrugged.

"Oh. That makes sense," I nodded and examined the little fellow. "What are you going to do with him now?"

"I- haven't thought of that," the blonde admitted and I face palmed. Great way to go, Keefe!

"Whatcha got there?" Dex stepped into the hall and walked over to us to look over my shoulder at what Keefe was holding. "Is that Iggy?"

"Yep," I nodded, "Keefe thought it would be a good idea to bring him and prank me, however, he failed to think what to do with him next."

"Hey, that's not true," he exclaimed, causing me to raise my eyebrow at him, "I didn't bring him to prank you. You just happened to be the victim."

Miss Greek Nerd	{Keefe Sencen x OC}Where stories live. Discover now