Chapter 7

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"Sooo, how was the weekend?" Jaysen asked me. It was Monday and we were eating our lunch in the school cafeteria.

"I had to clean up slime from a flower bed" I replied shortly, not looking up from my food.

"Slime?" Vafara repeated, puzzled, "How would it get there?" She gazed at me expectantly but I simply kept my head low, keeping my tongue behind my teeth.

"C'mon, you can't leave us hanging on that," Reuven grinned, leaning closer.

I sighed, seeing there was no escaping, "When I came home, the gremlins started to throw slime balls at my window so I wanted to throw it back. But they always dodged.

"Don't you have a tree near your window?" Reuven questioned. I mentally cursed as I remembered that I had brought him there few times because of one of his projects he had been working on and nodded.

Jaysen snickered next to me, "Ely, this is not about their dodging skills, but about your terrible aim."

"Have you ever tried throwing slime balls?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"No, but-"

"Exactly," I cut him off, "So you have no room to talk."

"Anywayyy," Vafara spoke up before Jaysen could snap back at me, "Dad heard that they are some new desserts at Sweet Paradise. Do you wanna go?"

"Sure," Jaysen replied immediately with a grin. I on the other hand exchanged a glance with Reuven and we both made a silent agreement.

"Sorry, but my parents aren't home today and you know how they don't like Micol being alone," Reuven used his younger sister as an excuse. However, it had to be noted that she wasn't so young anymore. Damn, she even started to attend Foxfire this year. But I didn't think that Jaysen or Vafara realised that.

"Bummer," Jaysen rolled his eyes. "You'll go, right?" he looked at me.

"Nah, I need to improve my aim, remember?" I used his insulting against him with a slight smirk.

"Today?" Vafara looked at me sceptically.


"Well, maybe we could go on another day then-"

"NO," I and Reuven cut her off. The two of them looked at us, confused, so Reuven tried to save the situation with one of out old joke, "I've been planning to ask Ely out and this is the perfect place for a first date."

"Yeah, we don't need you two around," I played along so it wouldn't be even more awkward. Though when the other two looked at each other, I gave the technopath a glare.

Jaysen furrowed his eyebrows as he quizzed, "Are you sure you aren't just joking?"

"Dude, what do you mean 'Are you sure you aren't joking?'" Reuven mimicked him, "I would never date Elysha."

"Then why-"

"Don't mind us," I cut him off before either of the boys could say something dumb again, "Just go and next time you can take us with you."

He glanced at Vafara questionably. But in the end they both shrugged in agreement. Good.

I and Reuven stayed at the table a little longer. When we made sure that they couldn't hear us anymore I leaned over to him and asked, "What are the chances that they will get together?"

"Slim," he replied without doubts, "but maybe one of them will finally realise the obvious."

I nodded and we both left the table.


The four of us sat at our usual spot in the study hall. And this time neither of the boys argued about mind over matter and Vafara didn't try to name a dozen of stars. However, it wasn't so much better since at the table next to us sat Vacker siblings. And Keefe of course.

Miss Greek Nerd	{Keefe Sencen x OC}Where stories live. Discover now