Chapter 6: Rosalyn's childhood past

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It's just like an ordinary peaceful day... But there was only one family who wasn't peaceful at all. The wife and husband always shouts and yells at each other every time they fight, may it be in the morning, afternoon, evening, or even at night... Rosalyn's older siblings all had their partners and was living happily with their new family... The only one's left in the family were, Rosalyn; who's five years old, and her little brother; who's three years younger than her.

Every day, Rosalyn and her little brother witness and hears how their parents fought every single day... Every time her parents fought, she would tell her little brother to close his eyes and cover his ears... Both of them were still very young, Rosalyn knew very well that she had to take care of her little brother at all times, her family would always tell her to take care of the youngest since she is now the one standing as the eldest.

Her responsibility was taking care of her younger brother. She grew up not relying on anyone in her family, not asking for anything she wanted. Whenever she felt lonely, she didn't ask for comfort. Rosalyn struggles all by herself, hiding her problems, her stress, even her pain to her family... She was getting lost, not knowing what to do in life, all she felt was the emptiness inside her heart. There were times she thought of dying and leaving this world, but her responsibilities made her unable to leave her family behind...

When she turned seven, Rosalyn wasn't expecting to have any friends. She didn't make friends at school after two years. She was just doing what she usually does, always staying quiet, observing her classmates with their friends. Rosalyn thought; "Would it have been nice if I also had a friend like them?.."
As she was observing quietly at her desk, two female classmates of her approach her. The two girls her age introduced themselves to her. The first girl's name was "Selena" while the other was "Lydia". Rosalyn stayed silent because of the shock. She blinked her eyes two times, trying to process what situation she was in. She spoke, but she was stuttering. Rosalyn thought; "No one has ever approach me... If they approached me, they are just going to say all mean and cruel words to me... For the first time some people approach me and introduce themself.. I hope they don't have ill intentions towards me.."
The three of them. Rosalyn, Selena, and even Lydia became close.

     Present 2022 Friday at school 3:00 p. m

Rosalyn was dreaming about her past so vividly, she woke up from the voice of her teacher waking her up. She did not realize that she fell asleep during class. The teacher told her to meet him before break time. Rosalyn replied; "Yes, sir!" with a cheerful, loud tone of voice.

Break time

Rosalyn and Kaius both were walking together and talking about what happen at class before break time. Kaius curiously ask Rosalyn of what had happened after talking to the teacher.
"What did the teacher talked to you about? Did you get scolded?" Kaius asks. Rosalyn replied;
"It was nothing much, and I don't know if it's scolding or not. I was nervous talking to the teacher, but it seems, he only ask me why I fell asleep to his class."
"What did you reply?" Kaius ask again. "I just said I didn't sleep properly these days, so I fell asleep in his class by accident." Rosalyn replied in a deep, indifferent tone.
It surprised Kaius to hear Rosalyn did not sleep well these past few days. He notice there were dark circles under her eyes. He was too curious, but he did not dare ask any question to her. Kaius knows it may bother her more.

Rosalyn arrived home from school. By the time she arrived home, she hears her parents fighting and shouting at each other again. The first thing she did was check up on her little brother if his crying or not. Rosalyn put her bag away first. She knocks at the door of her little brother's room. "Ash... Are you there?..." Rosalyn asks worriedly.
A few seconds pass, yet Ash did not reply to Rosalyn. "I'll open the door..." Rosalyn said in a deep, worried tone.

She entered the room of her younger brother. The room was dark to see. Rosalyn saw her younger brother in his bed crying while covered in his blanket. She spoke to him again; "Ash... What happened while I was at school?.."
It stayed silent for a while. "..." Finally Ash spoke; "They... We're fighting about something... Trivial again..." Ash replied to his sister's question. "..." Rosalyn was silent for a moment. But she knows her priority is taking care of her younger brother Ash.. "Ash, stop covering yourself with that blanket and show yourself..!" Rosalyn pulled the blanket that was covering Ash. "No!" Ash shouts at her sister. But Rosalyn ignored him and opened the lights.
"Why are you even locking yourself here in this dark room of yours?! Do you know how much I'm worried about you?! So what if they are fighting again?! Our family... Has always been like this since the start... Ash... I told you to get used to this.." She shouted angrily at her younger brother, Rosalyn felt rage and couldn't control her anger and made her yell at Ash. Ash who was crying ago, saw his older sister crying in front of him for the first time...

When they were young, his sister, Rosalyn, never show her tears in front of anyone. Ash was always the one crying every time their parents fought. He knows very well, his older sister only cries alone in the dark by herself. Ash realise he had made his sister cry and made her worried too much... "I'm sorry... For making you worried Rosa..."
She heard Ash apologise for his mistake, and Rosalyn forgave him... "I forgive you... But next time, please don't lock yourself up in your room again.. If they are fighting again next time, message or call me to let me know what's happening in this house while I'm gone. Understand?!" Rosalyn asks. Ash replied to his older sister; "I understand."
"If you understand, fix yourself and get ready. I'll be taking care of dinner today." She replied.
The family ate their dinner in silence, as if nothing had happened in the beginning.

  End of Chapter 6: Rosalyn's childhood past

Written By: Choco Latte

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