Chapter 7: Part two: Rosalyn's childhood past

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As her family ate in silence, she felt like sitting beside them made her lose her appetite. She couldn't stand eating with them. It's making her lose her appetite. Rosalyn stopped eating her food, she spoke; "Aren't you both tired of fighting every single day?.." Rosalyn's question surprised her parents. She then asks again; "If you are both tired of your everyday fights, why don't you guys make your decision whether you guys will leave each other's side or not?" Rosalyn's parents turned speechless to hear her words.

"I'm saying this, for I am tired of always heading straight home, witnessing and hearing both of you fought. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt... Make sure your decisions do not affect Ash. Enjoy your meal." Rosalyn left without finishing her meal. They have never seen her speak with her feelings. Everything they heard her say was the words she has hidden deep down her heart. Rosalyn said all those words to her parents to make them realise how tired she was. If her parents still don't solve their problems... She will leave the house.

Rosalyn woke up too early in the morning. She didn't get any sleep. She took a shower early and prepared for school. Her family was still asleep, so she just left a note that she has already gone to school early.
Before she goes to school, Rosalyn went to the store to buy a sandwich and drink. Since it was still early, she still had some time to eat. Rosalyn sat on the bench near the store. She looks in the sky as she eats her food for breakfast, noticing it was about to rain soon. Rosalyn predicted something big will happen today.

Rosalyn finished eating and headed to school. She arrived, but it seems she was the earliest to arrive in school. Rosalyn sat in her seat next to the window. She looked and observed the birds flying in the sky. Looking at the birds in the sky gave her tons of ideas to write about the next chapter of her novel. Rosalyn sat there in her seat, writing everything she thought of in her notebook. One hour has passed, and the students are all arriving at school. It shocked her classmates to see her early in the class; She would arrive soon late at school.

Selena, Kaius, and Ray then arrived. The three were busy talking to each other. They didn't notice Rosalyn was already sitting in her seat until their classmates kept talking about her. "Hey, guys, since when did Rosalyn come early to school?" the guy ask, "Right? It's the first time we saw her coming to school so early." the girl replied.
" It's hard to believe she came here first before us." "She's been sitting there in her seat, not noticing us entering the classroom. All she's been doing was writing in her notebook." the second guy spoke.

Selena felt like something was wrong and immediately ran to Rosalyn's desk. "Rosa!!!" Selena screamed her name.
Rosalyn flinched from hearing Selena screaming her name so loud. "Hehe! Good morning Rosa! what are you doing here so early at school? Did something happen yesterday?.." Selena greeted Rosalyn, she worriedly asked Rosalyn.
She replied; "Mmm.. Good morning. It's nothing in particular, I just couldn't get a proper sleep at home... Nothing happened, don't worry too much." Rosalyn replied while wearing a smile on her face. Selena knows she would never smile in that situation unless something really happened.

Break time

Selena immediately stands up and runs to Rosalyn. "Rosa! Let's go eat together!" Selena smiled as she pulled Rosalyn from her seat. Rosalyn was quietly spacing out. She didn't realize how she got to the canteen. Selena was asking her a question, but she did not hear Selena's voice, for she was spacing out. Rosalyn look at her best friend and saw a worried expression on her face. Selena repeated her question; "Rosa, are you really okay?" she asked with a worried expression.
As she saw her best friend had a worried look on her face, Rosalyn felt like telling the truth, yet she still hid it inside... "Haha... Sorry, I was spacing out a bit!.. Don't worry too much! I'm fine, there's no need to worry, Lena!" Rosalyn replied to her best friend with an awkward smile on her face. Rosalyn responding to Selena with an awkward expression, made her even more worried to Rosalyn.

School ended. Selena, Ray, and Kaius, we're busy talking to each other. Rosalyn used this chance to leave and have an alone time to think. Selena turned around to ask Rosalyn a question, but she was already gone at school. She was walking alone by herself in the evening. Her parents looked at the time and noticed she was running home late. This made her parents thought she's in danger. Her parents called her best friend; Selena. Her phone rings, and she answered the call: "Hello?..." "We apologise if we're bothering you, Lena. But, is our daughter hanging out with you right now?.." Rosalyn's parents asked her best friend anxiously. "Oh! Rosa didn't hang out with us. She just suddenly disappeared by our side in the classroom, so I thought she had gone home.. Is Rosa still not home yet?.." Selena replied to her best friend's parents and asks worriedly about her. Rosalyn's parents replied: "It's already running late, she usually goes home early if the school ended.. But it's already six thirty in the evening and she still hasn't come back.. So we thought she must be hanging out with you.."
As Selena heard everything, her best friend's parents said, she felt a sudden feeling that Rosalyn must have intended to go home very late at night. Selena replied: "Please don't worry, we'll try to find her as much as possible. I know she wouldn't go far away. Rosalyn knows very much she will forget the previous path." Rosalyn's parents replied; "Oh, dear. I hope we aren't bothering you teens. I hope you teens can find her. This is the first time she has gone late, and we are worried. Please call us again if you found her." "It's alright aunt, we volunteered to find her, so please don't feel bothered by it." Selena replied politely. "Thank you, Lena." Rosalyn's parents thanked her kindly.

Their call ended. Selena turned around, Ray asked: "Who were you talking to earlier?" Selena respond; "It was Rosa's parents. She hasn't gone home yet..." it shocked Kaius to hear she hadn't gone home yet. It's almost late at night. It alerted both Kaius and Selena from the news they heard from Rosalyn's parents. The three split up to find Rosalyn. Selena kept running to the places Rosalyn would go to. She got tired from running and tried to catch her breath.
The two came in her direction and were also catching their breath, when they suddenly heard a loud scream from a close direction.
"That voice..." Selena anxiously knows it was the scream of Rosalyn. "it's definitely her, there's no other people rather than us here!" Kaius replied to Selena and run to where the scream was heading from. Meanwhile, Rosalyn was sitting on the bench alone by herself, crying and trembling in fear. He found her sitting on the bench with both her knees and hands supporting her head. Kaius approached her slowly and called her name; "Rosalyn..." his voice was deep, soft, and was trembling as he calls her name. Rosalyn look up to confirm if it was him. As soon as she saw him, she immediately burst into tears. "Shh... I'm here, you're safe now... I'm sorry I was late." Kaius comforted her and hugged her tightly. He wants to ask her why she was here all alone by herself and didn't return home after school. But, seeing the sight of her crying in front of him, he did not dare try to ask what happened.
The two; Selena and Ray were watching from behind. They did not approach them and gave them some time alone.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." Rosalyn keeps on apologising to him non-stop. He replied: "Why do you keep on apologising to me?... You didn't even do anything to apologise for."
The truth, apologising has become Rosalyn's habit since she was young...

Rosalyn was born into a rich family. Her parents are strict and overprotective of her. Ever since she was a young child, everyone adored her because of her appearance. She grew up only by studying. Even if she doesn't study, Rosalyn doesn't come out of her room unless breakfast, lunch, teatime, or even dinner is ready. If she was told to come out of her room, her personal maid would send her the message. Rosalyn lived like a noble lady. She was in her room every day. She knows very well, even if she tried to sneak outside, they would still find her. Rosalyn felt like she was a bird, chained inside the cage and can't escape. A precious bird to the humans that's not allowed to escape in the cage... All her entire life, all she did was endure everything by herself and hid it; the pain, the sadness, she felt pitiful and disgusted when she looks at herself in the mirror... Her personal maid would always try to comfort her with sweet, sugar coating words.
"Miss, I'm sure that the madame did not mean what she said to you.."
"Miss is just too precious to the madame that she can't stand the sight of you disappear in this mansion."
"Please don't worry too much, mi—" Rosalyn interrupted her personal maid by replying; "Aloe... You needn't to tell me those things... I understand what they truly meant... I can no longer be comfort, Aloe... Can you please give me some time alone?.." Aloe replied: "I understand, my lady.."
Aloe closed the door and did not leave. She heard Rosalyn cry all by herself in her room. Aloe felt pity for her lady that she has been taking care of since she was young.

END OF CHAPTER 7: Rosalyn's childhood past Written By: Choco Latte

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