Chapter 3: I realized nothing's better than the original Hoodie

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Calum's pov

My phone started blaring "Call me Maybe" by Carley Rae Jepsen, Paislee put it as her ringtone,I swiped the answer button,"Hey Lee, What's up?" Soft sobs could be heard from the other line,"Lee?" I sat up, and immediatly started to put on a pair of pants. "Calum?" Her voice was groggly and strangled,"Please come over, I need you right now."

"I'll be there in 5." I hung up the phone, and jumped out of my bedroom window. I ran down the street not stopping, I needed to know she was okay, needed to know what's wrong. Her house was in view,Hurry up Cal,she needs you! I finally made it to the familiar window, and started to throw little pebbles at the glass. I made my way around back,and sure enough the back door was unlocked. I stepped inside, quietly making my way up to her bedroom, the floors creeked in someplaces, and the air was freezing, her mother usually always leaves it on 59 degrees. Soft weeping was becoming closer and dominate through the mainly quiet house, I hurried to her door, opening it then closing it quietly, but also fastly. I turned around and there she was, in a corner crying, not looking up, just crying. I rushed to her side and wrapped my arms around her pettit body, she immediatly snuggled into my chest, and wrapped her arms around me. I was wispering sweet things into her ear, and she was just crying. We'd been like this for quite awhile when she finally picked her head up off of my chest, the cold air nipped at the wet stains on my shirt from her tears,"Thanks for coming Hoodie, I tried using Hoodie Jr. but I realized nothing's better than the original Hoodie to cheer me up." She made a weak smile,"Lee, why are you crying?"

"Me and Brandon got into an arguement, and then he said he's been cheating on me for three months..." She started to tear up again,"I thought he loved me, I thought we were happy together, but in actuality he just wanted what he couldn't have, sex."

I grabbed her and locked eyes with her,"I'd never do that to you." She had a smile on her lips,"Hoodie, wanna play some X-box?"

"How could I say no."

She giggled and threw a controller at me, and turned on the consol. COD 2 her favorite.

Haiya!!!!!!! This just a filler, I was going to write this long chapter like i normally do, but then I got writers block so this is it for now, sowwy!!!! AWAYS aweee poor Paislee getting cheated on, but yay Cal made a move...i think.... well anyways I FUCKING LOVE YOU!


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