Chapter 9

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A/N:Love him so that's why.

Michael's POV:

I rolled over but fell on the floor making a loud thud,"Michael, are you okay?!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah mom," I yelled back standing up,"Just fell out of bed again."

"Get out the house! You've been inside for a week, It's spring break get out, and have fun!" She yelled back.

I chuckled,"Alright mom, I will go out side and let everyone call me Edward and ask me why I'm not sparkling." I joked, but none the less grabbed a pair of ripped black skinnies.

"Shut up Eddie and come down for breakfast!" My father joked from the other side of my door.

"Alright shit, do you guys want me to be naked for breakfast?" I joked at him.

"Maybe we do son." My dad playfully suggested.

"Pedo alert." I said while putting on my sex pistol shirt.

He laughed,"Alright you have five minutes before the bacon is ready Mike."

I ran to my black combat boots and slid them on over my camel socks,"I'll be out in a sec."

My mom made the best food ever...besides mama Hood, that lady makes a mean snack. I walked to my bathroom, and brushed my now fading pink hair,"I seriously need to dye this shit, everytime I look at it I think of that stupid bitch." I mumbled to myself.

"Michael breakfast is ready!"

"Coming mom!" I yelled

I slid down the railing that connected to the stairs,"The stairs are there for a reason Michael." My dad told me looking up from his newspaper.

"Yeah, but that's too much work for my stubby legs."I answered back in a 'duh' tone.

"Michael, if you keep on playing with me I will eat mine and your breakfast." Mom warned playfully.

"Noo mommy please don't."I whined running to my seat at the table.

"So Mike, what are you doing today?" My dad asked, taking another sip of his bitter black coffee.

"I don't know, mom basically banished me from the house today, so I might hang out with the guys or something." I shrugged.

"Well,"My father said,"I have to get going actually, Love you." He kissed my mom on the cheek.

"Bye Mike." He gave me a bro fist,"Later dad."

Once he was gone, and my mom started to clean up the house, I desided to go to my room and play some video games. I was on round 35 on zombies, if you don't know what game I'm talking about it's COD 2, and my phone went off signaling I had a text message.

Lexy from the airport: Haiya Meeeckel, whatcha doooin?

I smiled and paused the game.

Meckel: it hi or hey? lol.

Lexy from the airport: Well it's really Haiya, but for you it's hi.

Meckel: Haha alright, wyd???

Lexy from the airport: Being bored and texting you, wbu???

Meckel: I was play Black Ops but you texted me so I paused it

Lexy from the airport: Awh I feel so special heehee, so?

Meckel:Oh um haha.

I was blushing and smiling uncontrollably, I want to make a cute contact name for her like everyone else does for their friends, I never have, I just put random emojis next to their names, but she's different from everyone else. I was nervous to ask her if she wanted to hang out with me, but my mom did say she wanted me to have fun...TEXTING MEI, she has the best advise besides Ella, but Ella and Luke are probably going out on a much needed date.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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