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Haiya penguins! Sorry this isn't an update, and I'm not updating until Sunday which will be the offical updating day, but anyways I would just like to say thank you everyone who has read this and voted. I love all of you, and a huge thanks for 109 views and 21 votes!!!!! I know I had almost 900 views on She Looks So Perfect, and I'm grateful for that I really am, but I have discontinued that (if you did not already know) and even though that has happened, and I might not have as many views, I still love every single person who has ever read anything I've written, and anything for future reading. I know a lot of you might just be wondering why am I saying this right now instead of updating, well I'm doing this because I love and care about you guys so much. The day I stopped self-harming was the day I saw 5 views on SLSP and 1 vote. You guys simply make my days so much more than simply surviving, you make me want to survive. I couldn't ask for better people to read this book, and those 109 eyes who have read this...thank you so much! Those 21 voters who loved this THANK YOU SO MUCH! I love you guys more than words can describe so I'll just put it this in a 5sos term, "Just to say it always will be you, where ever you are."


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