Chapter 4:Because she's farted in front of you once

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Calum's pov

I picked up my cellphone and called up the most hopeless romantic I knew, Ella Anne Marie Perriwinkle."Hello?" She answered in her usual bubbly voice. "Hey El, It's Calum."

"Oh! Hey Cal! What's up?"

"Nothing really, I actually called to ask you something."

"Oh okay, whatcha need?"

I took a deep breath and sighed,"How do you tell someone you like them?"

"Depends," I could almost see the smile on her face,"Who is this someone?"

"A friend." I replied simpily

"Would this friend happen to be Miss Paislee Jane Cullens,by any chanse?"

"Yeah..." My voice trailed off into the wind.

"Oh My God! I knew it! Ryan owes me 20 dollars!"

"Um, Ella?"

"Oh shit, right, sorry, so you need to know how to ask her out?"

"No just tell her that I have a crush on her."

"Caaaal," She childishly whined,"We all know it's waaaaay beyond a crush on her. You're in love with her."

I caved in and started to cry,"Yeah,I do. So fucking much. I want to tell her but she's so happy with Brandon, and I don't know how or why I should tell her, things will get so complicated-"

"Calum Thomas Hood!" Ella yelled cutting me off,"I could give you plenty of reasons you should tell her you're in love with her. Not to mention her and Brandon broke up, and he cheated on her. Who did she call? You, am I right?"


"You know her inside,out."

"What are those reasons El?"


"The reasons I should tell her I love her, what are they?"

"Because she puts up with your shit.Because she loves you unconditionally, even when you feel you don't deserve it.Because she is the only one who will be brutally honest with you, and whom you'll still love even when the truth hurts.Because sitting in silence with her is not at all awkward, and you love that.Because she goes on Friday and Saturday night dinner dates with you.Because you never run out of things to talk about.Because she calls you to gossip on her way over to your house, which annoys you but also makes you laugh.Because she encourages you every day to be your best self.Because she supports your dreams and truly wants you to achieve them.Because, even when you know she doesn't want to hear it, you can tell her every single detail of a date, and she'll act endlessly interested.Because she calls your mom when she's worried about you.Because you can (and do) tell her everything.Because when you guys go a day without talking, it feels like you're missing a limb.Because you know she truly has your best interests at heart. No pettiness. Purely wonderful intentions from her, always.Because she knows that one inside joke that will always make you laugh, even when you're in your worst mood.Because as much as she inspires you to make healthy choices, she also will go to town on a bowl of queso with you and show no regrets.Because she's seen your ugliest ugly cry and still stuck around.Because she's the one girl you actually want to let borrow your clothes, which pretty much says everything.Because she actually asks how you are, with emphasis on the "are."Because you've often wondered how much easier life would be if you and her could just fall in love and be together forever. But, instead, you keep crying over her.Because when you guys fight, it's the worst. But you make up just as quickly, which is the best.Because she's farted in front of you once and it was the funniest thing ther of you have ever heard.Because as much as she never liked her anyway, she understands how sad you are and shows you sympathy.Because she's the best worst influence in times when being bad is necessary.Because she always down to get ice cream.Because you cannot understand how you got so lucky to have met her and you cannot imagine life without her." She took a huge breath, and I smiled widely,not only because Ella thought that highly of me,but because every word was true. That's when it hit me,"Ella, does she even feel the same?"

"Um," Her voice became low,"I think."

My face dropped and I felt like crying again,"That's why I don't want to tell her I like her-"

"Like who?"

I screamed,and feel off my bed."Oops sorry."

"It's fine Alice." I groaned as she helped me up off the floor,"What brings you here?"

"Oh,needed to talk to someone besides those idiots you call friends, Ella is out with Luke, Paislee said she didn't think she was ready to get out just yet, and Ryan,well you know her. Michael said him and the boys were going to have a guys night, and I knew you didn't go, so here I am."

"Yeah, he called me earlier today and invited me over, but I wasn't up for it."

"Who's on the phone?"

"Oh just Ella," My eyes widened and I grabbed my phone,"Oh shit El, I'm so fucking sorry. Didn't mean to ruin you and Luke's date."

"Cal, It's okay, but I do need to go. Talk to you later. LOVE YOU ALI."

"YOU TO PAIS!" Alice yelled back.

"Thank you both for bursting my ear drums." I said teasingly.

"Welcome." Ella replied before hanging up.

"If I heard correctly, you have a little crush,who is it?" Alice said grining like a madman. "Paislee."

"Fuck! I owe Ella 20 dollors now! I call bullshit!"

I rolled my eyes,"Alice Heartlynn Kinsley, shut up. I needed advise, so I went to the hopeless romantic."

"Oh,sorry. Don't use my full name. Also, I could give you some advise, after all I've delt with Michael for almost three years now, so I think I could give you advise."

"Ugh," I sat down on my bed,"I'm in love with her,but I'm scared to admit it."

She looked me and smiled,"She likes you to, always has, since she met you, well since she the whole "Frosty Snow" job she has."

"Really?" I asked hopefully, a full smile across my face

"Well duh you dope, you never noticed?" She looked at me with a shocked expression,"Well, no not really. I thought she was happy with Brandon." I admitted.

"He was a cover up for her feelings for you, she never really liked him, in the beginning she didn't, but then she actually developed feelings, but nothing could ever replace her feelings for you, that's why she stayed with him. She thought that you didn't like her in that way, so she started to use everyone else as an outlet."

I was shocked to say the least, I've been in love with a girl who loved me back, and I never knew or took notice, god i'm an idiot,"But," I looked up to hear what else she had to say to me,"we should have a little fun with this."

"What do you mean?"

"We should make her jealous, you know get you a fake girlfriend to make her jealous."

"Do you think that'll work?"

"Calum, am I ever wrong. I mean yeah I'm pregnant at 17 but I mean when it comes to Paislee i'm an expert."

"But I mean won't she get hurt?" I asked genuinely concerned about her well being.

"No, just jealous. You know Paislee's always a happy camper, she'll just be jealous and pissed off a little bit."

"Okay, who do you have in mind?"

"My cousin Angel is a lesbian but she'll be all for it."

"Okay, as long as Lee starts to like me, I will do it."

"Perfect." She grabbed her phone out of her pocket and dialed a number, probably Angel's, but as she was telling Angel the plan, a feeling of regret came over me, and I'm starting to think this is a bad idea.


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