This was weird. Everything around him was familiar but he could swear that he never saw this room before Cross showed him around the castle. This was his office before he forgot everything, well that was what Cross said.
The room was darker than any other room in the castle, only lightened by some candle sticks the atmosphere was a little scary and really uneasy. Perhaps he could change how the office looked now? He knew that Killer would help him and Cross would do it too for sure but did he has the right to change it? Maybe his old him made it that way for a good reason. He should ask Killer.
Speaking of Killer here he was!The skeleton with a strange soul came out from the shadow, smiling as always but the way he smiled was odd. It was frenetic and wild, he looked more like a murderer than the usual Killer that the guardian got used to.
Worried about his friend and what could have happened to him, Nightmare ran toward him. Or at least tried."What?" Thought the guardian when he noticed that his body wasn't moving anymore.
Killer came closer to the office where Nightmare was sitten, he looked fine with this new kind of crazy smile but Nightmare could sense the despair from him. Just what was going on?
"I see that you came back, Killer. So. Perhaps you can explain to me why the mission was a total failure this time. "Said a cold and cruel voice coming from the guardian's mouth.
Nightmare panicked when he heard this voice coming from him. It wasn't what he wanted to say to his friend! It wasn't even his voice! It didn't seem to surprise Killer, who straighten up almost like a soldier in front of a king.
When the guardian took a closer look at his friend, he froze. The other skeleton was clearly hurt! His arm was twisted, he had several cuts all around his body and his soul wasn't like usual. It was constantly changing its shape, from a target to a heart."Yes, boss. The stars Sanses came up and Cross got badly hurt in his legs while we were fighting. Because of that our efficiency became weaker and we got caught. Cross brought us home so fortunately, we were able to come back to you but all the negativity we made was lost." Said Killer with a voice devoided of all kinds of emotion.
Nightmare wanted to get away from here. he knew this was just a bad dream but all the familiar sensations he was feeling were making him really uneasy. What if it wasn't just a dream? He knew that his past self wasn't particularly kind to his new friends, but seeing it was something else.
"Killer I'm sorry..."Thought Nightmare when he looked at his friend fighting to stay up, it looked like he was about to pass out from his injuries.
When his body moved by itself, Nightmare gulped. What now? He was just a spectator in his own body so when he felt himself taking Killer's face in his hands, he couldn't do anything.
"Well, I guess that you four are going to train harder than before. Because I'm pretty sure that none of you want to disappoint me, right Killer?"
While he was talking the guardian's hands were wandering all around the other's soul. It made both Nightmare and Killer uncomfortable.
"I guess I'm going to need another source of negativity then. Since you failed to bring me one I'm going to take it from you, Killer."
Killer's face grew paler than it was already. The despair was clearly on his face now and not just hidden behind a creepy and wild smile. Nightmare felt like he could cry when he saw that his first friend was shaking.
"Boss...Please, come on you-you don't have to do that...I can go and make more negativity if you want..."
"I do what I want with you, Killer. Perhaps it's time you carve it into your mind."

The sweet lilac behind the cold cyan
FanficWhat if the corruption that invaded Nightmare's mind after eating the apples disappeared? When he woke up after a long sleep Nightmare found himself in a place he didn't know. He couldn't sense his brother or mother anymore and was covered in some w...