Chapter 12

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As soon as Cross put a foot in the castle with Dream on his side Killer was on the golden guardian with his knife out ready to kill him. Cross tried to hold him back but Killer was struggling harder and harder

"Let me kill him Crossy! I'm gonna tear his bones apart one by one and force his friends to watch!" Killer screamed with anger.

"Killer, calm down he's here to help Night!" Exclaimed Cross as loud as he could with Killer pressing his throat to get away. "Guys help me!!" The ex-soldier added to his other partners.

Dust was looking at Dream with a cold and furious expression, a bone in his hand he was waiting for Cross's explanation before jumping on the positive guardian like Killer. Horror was keeping an eye on Blue and Ink with his axe on his shoulder without saying a word.

"I...I just want to help..." Whispered Dream more for himself with a sad expression.

"Oh, that's just rich coming from you! Nighty is dying because of you! It's all your fault! Let me go Cross!!" Killer continued to scream.

"Enough." Error said getting downstairs with the other skeletons.

Killer growled but actually listen to Error. Cross released him carefully when he stopped fighting. The black and white skeleton kept him against his chest and tried to ease his lover's anger with little pats.

Ink and Blue chose this moment to join their friend under the mistrustful look of Error who was now in front of Dream with the gang behind him, ready to protect them if he needed to.

"Ru! Don't tell me you're buying it! Dreamboat is clearly lying and Crossy just fell for it because he's too nice!"

"Hey!!" Cross exclaimed a little vexed.

Error was still looking at Dream trying to decide if he could trust the little skeleton in front of him. One mistake and Nightmare would be gone forever. He needed to be careful.

"Error please...I...I thought that Nighty was dead, killed by the apples. If he's really alive like Cross said let me see him. Even just once! If there is anything I can do to help him I want to try!" Dream said with a new determined expression.

Behind Dream were Blue and Ink clearly tensed. Ink advanced toward Error, he wanted to hear it from the destroyer's mouth. Cross said that he didn't destroy his precious creation by choice. If Error could tell him in the eyes that it wasn't a lie, then maybe Ink would believe him. He wanted to know more about the destroyer's motivation and why did he keep destroying if he didn't like it. Perhaps they could have a truce?

"Give me your soul then. I'll keep it when you'll be with Nightmare. If you're not ready to apply this rule you can go."

"No way! What proves to us that you won't kill Dream the second you'll get your hand on his soul! Or-" Blue said before his friend cut him.

"I'll do it." Dream said with determination.

Ink remained silent only analyzing the situation. Nothing prevented Error from killing Dream on spot but if they wanted to see Nightmare it was the only way. He knew Dream wouldn't go back now they were here.

"Error once this is over I want you to tell me more about why you destroyed my creations. Would it be possible?" The creator asked with a serious expression he rarely got.

Error looked at Ink surprised by his request. Could it be that the creator was finally hearing a reason? Perhaps he won't have to destroy anymore after this. He had that serious expression he could only have when it was about the safety of his creations so maybe he'll listen to what Error had to say.

"Okay. Now follow me. ALL of you." The destroyer said looking at Blue who didn't show them any sign of peace, unlike his teammates. Maybe the little warrior was just wary and careful but you could never know.

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