13. None shall come in the way

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Hello Everyone!!! I sincerely apologize to keep you all waiting for so long, I feel so guilty but I really get occupied with work which I can't escape since it pays my bills  :P  Also since last weeks, I'm so sad that they separated AbhiRa again and KILLED NEIL! I mean what's wrong with them!!! well let's not open that door(angry face*) 

Also, some of you all know one Wattpad user nikisiwach just copied my work word to word and posted it telling it was her creation, there is no word as ethics in some people's dictionary but many readers dmed me and reported her, so Wattpad deleted my story from her account, if it weren't for you guys, I would have never known! Thank You pratidnyaPatil kriti32 , geetha015 for bringing it to light and helping me report her, we so need more people like you guys who actually stand up against such disgusting people, there were more people who reported her and tagged me in her profile but since she blocked me! yes she did when I confronted her after making some crabby excuses, audacity I tell you.   so I can't track some users who helped me from her profile though I replied to the comment and thanked some before she blocked me but I really wish they read this and know how grateful I'm and a sincere request to all my special readers if you guys come across this story or my another story Illusion in some other profile please please let me know...It really hurts me to see how low can one stoop 

Anyways ch 13 is up and I really really from the bottom of my heart hope you all like it :) Happy Reading:)


In Akshara's ward:

Abhimanyu got a message, He checked his phone it was from Neil; checking the message he turned to Dr. Rohan and said, "Rohan, I will be back in some time, you keep a check on her vitals and someone from my team should always be present with her in case, I'm not here and without my permission, no will meet her not even in visiting hours and page me once she gains her consciousness"

Dr. Rohan nodded yes and replied, "Okay Sir"

Abhimanyu turned to Akshara who was in deep slumber but still looked disturbed, of course, she will be as she doesn't even remember her name still he is relieved that the life-threatening phase has passed, he lovingly stroked her face with his thumb and whispered, "I will be back soon Jaan"

He left the ward and marched toward his cabin

Abhimanyu's Cabin:

Abhimanyu's gaze fell on the bag which Neil had left on his couch containing his fresh clothes. He took the clothes and went to take a shower in the shower room attached to his cabin.

Abhimanyu turned on the knob and the cold water from the shower started pouring over his head. He was too stressed and tired since yesterday, it has been overwhelming for him. initially, not able to know Akshara's whereabouts and then finding her on the verge of death and now her amnesia it's too much for him to take

He closed his eyes letting the cold water flow over him, relaxing a bit but he saw the flashes of how he found Akshu in coma and after that the flat line on the electrocardiogram indicating he had lost her. Abhimanyu opened his eyes, terrified.

He looked up at the shower and the thick water sprinkled directly on his face. He closed his eyes feeling the coldness and tried to wash away the worst reality which he witnessed in the last 24 hours, he comprehend it is not going to be that easy. Sighing he looked straight and opened his eyes this time it had a spark of hope which was missing for the last 3 months, well he finally has his heartbeat his lifeline with him so no matter what, he will make things right, he will not let any destiny or person come in the way of him and his Akshu, he is determined he will keep her away from all the sadness and heartbreak now it's the commence of their happily forever and he will not let anyone come ruin that.

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