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My Hidden Pain
Born to this world against my will,
Where my pain is seen as weakness,
My Tears is seen as shameful,
A place where I am forced to see positivity,
And ignore negativity,
Stop crying and complaining,
They say,
You are not the only one unhappy in this world,
There is so much to be grateful for,
Be grateful for life if not anything.
I realized that no one was listening,
I never asked for a life of sadness,
How do I ignore my bleeding heart,
And broken soul
The crushing feeling of hopelessness
And loneliness.
I Did everything I was meant to,
Smile ,
But everytime I was left alone to my thoughts,
It hunts me,
The voices in my head reminding me of everything that is wrong,
Reliving my sorrowful moment,
Quickly forgetting everything that brought me joy,
Screaming and whaling in isolation,
Was when I came to the conclusion,
Of leaving the world that never welcomed me,
I did it with a smile on my face,
Because I was positive untill the end,
Knowing fully well I would be a lesson.

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