Meet Me In Our Garden

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Harry: When did you get so formal? ;) It's lovely to hear from you, Louis. I got quite the surprise to find you had contacted me. I can't believe those same worn out seats are still there! Maybe we could catch a movie sometime? For old times sake. My Policeman was such an emotional roller coaster for me. There were many times we had to stop filming due to me not being able to control my tears. I knew when I agreed to the roll it was going to take a toll on me but I hadn't expected to feel it all so deeply, so raw. Playing Tom also helped me to understand your side of things in a way. I still do not think you went about our relationship in the right way, but I understand now and I forgive you. Although, I hadn't expected you to reach out, I had hoped you would. Even now, typing this message, I am still surprised, still in shock. I think that enough time has passed for most of our issues to hold little to no significant meaning and for that I am grateful. I'm not saying that I'm willing to give you a second chance right now, but I am willing to see you, see how things play out, see if we can mend things between us in any way, as friends or more, or even just for closure for the both of us. The way things had ended wasn't healthy and I think we owe it to ourselves to at least talk it all out in person. I do miss you, Lou. I still am reminded of you daily and you're still among my dreams. I'm free every night this week after 7 pm, let me know if that works for you. Love always, Hazza. x

Louis: I've worked on myself a lot since you left me. Reading and writing more. Even took an online English class during the 2020 lock down period. I'm smart as fuck now hahaha. I couldn't imagine the pain you must have felt while filming that, your strength is inspiring. I still own our old home. I don't live there, but after you left I couldn't stay there any longer, I also held onto hope that you'd come home.... I left everything behind, clothes, furniture, food - god, that kitchen must be in a state - just everything. I brought the house I'm currently living in and started fresh. But, I still awoke to your touch that wasn't really there, I still heard you calling my name from up stairs, I still smelt you around me. I tried but failed miserably at getting over you. The fact that you're willing to even meet with me is bringing me to tears. I'm so grateful. If you're up to meeting me at our house, I'd love to set up a picnic by the pond, not a date, just a private, relaxing meal to chat over. I'll need a few days to get everything tidied up, the garden will be over grown and I'm scared to see the kitchen but I remember how much you loved our nights by the pond under the full moon (which google tells me is this Friday), Friday night at 7:30, meet me in our garden? x

Harry: I'll be there. x

Louis: I can't wait. x

<> are you guys open to reading a one shot about what happens when they meet? I wasn't sure whether or not to post it considering the title says 'Texts". <>

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