Chapter 1

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"Father please!" I exclaim running after my father as he goes to his throne room, "Let me go hunting with Legolas!"



"Y/n I said no! and that's final!" He yells turning sharply towards me, "I have gotten tired of you constantly asking me this, NO, you cannot go on an adventure. NO, you cannot go out hunting with your brother-"


"NO!" He yells, "I said, no"

I exhale and look at him, "Why?"

He looks down at me as he sits down, "Because I don't want you to get hurt"

"I have been training my whole entire life, father!" I exclaim throwing my hands up, "You cant just take away every opportunity I get to better myself because you fear I will be hurt!"

"Yes I can! Because I am your father and your king!" He yells standing up sharply and glaring at me, "Now that is my final decision, leave"

I stand there for a moment staring up at him, he was about to say something but before he could I turn around and storm out of the throne room.

"Stupid elf king" I mumble under my breath as I storm out.

"Y/n?" I hear my brothers voice question me as I storm out of the throne room.

I look up to see him holding a dwarf by the arm, "Who the hell is that?"

"Thorin Oakinsheild"

I raise an eyebrow and look at the dwarf, he glares at me and tries to lunge at me. I grab my dagger and quickly put it to his throat

"You better watch it dwarf or next time I'll slit your throat" I say harshly pushing the blade against his neck

"Enough muinthel" Legolas says putting his free hand on my shoulder, "There are some more dwarves down by the cells that Tauriel and the guards are putting away go help them"

I nod and put my dagger back in its holster, I walk towards the cells.

"Aren't you going to search me?" I hear someone ask, I look over the edge and see Tauriel putting a dwarf into a cell, "I could have anything down my trousers"

I wrinkle my nose in disgust

"Or nothing" Tauriel says simply and shoves him into the cell, closing the door.

"Tauriel!" I yell out

Tauriel and the dwarf both look up at me, I walk down the stairs, "The dwarfs causing you any trouble?"

Tauriel smiles, "No surprisingly, I wasn't given the hard ones"

I laugh, "You'd think all dwarves would be difficult"

I hear a bunch of protests and I roll my eyes.

Tauriel looks at me and sighs, "Is your father still not giving in"

I walk to the end of the cells while shaking my head, "No of course not"

She frowns and then we heard a noise, "What was that?"

"I think that was your father getting angry, I'll go check"

I nod and watch her leave, "You are quite beautiful for an elf"

I turn around and look at the dwarf who was in the cell, he had long blond hair, his beard was braided and some of his hair was too.

"Don't talk to me"

"Princess Y/n"

"Ew don't call me that" I say looking at the guard

"My lady"

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