Chapter 2

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Whose voice is that?


It sounds familiar, maybe Legolas?

"Y/n!" The voice says once more, now I realize that it's Fili saying it. I open my eyes to see Fili standing over me with a look of panic.

"What?" I ask looking around

"Do you remember anything?" Bilbo asks from the other side of me

I think a bit and shake my head, "No I don't"

"You had an argument with Thorin and then passed out, you even fell in the water!" Bilbo exclaims

I laugh slightly, "That's kind of funny"

Fili looks at me in shock, "You could have died!"

I shrug, "So?"

Fili scoffs, "What the hell"

I get up and look around, "Are we at Bards home?"

"Yes, he let us come in for a bit" Fili says sitting by me once again after checking on his brother.
I nod and close my eyes

"I didn't know Elves had magic"

I open one eye and look at him, "I was given it by the ancient elves when I almost died"

He looks at me, "So can you even die?"

I shake my head, "No, part of the 'gift'"

"Do you not think it's a gift?"

"Not immortality, there is nothing that can kill me. Before there were things that could kill me but now there is absolutely nothing unless we use black magic or cursed magic hence the name."

"I would kill to have immortality" Fili says looking up at me

"Take mine" I say shrugging
Fili laughs, "Thanks for the offer but no thanks"
I smile and close my eyes once again, "I'm so tired, why am I so tired"
"Does using your magic make you tire easily?" Fili asks
I shrug, "Not typically, but I don't use it much so that could be it"
"Yeah it could be"
I hear Kili yell out in pain which makes me open my eyes, I sit up fully and look at him. I see that Kili is sweating really badly, it looks like they are trying to just put water on his head but that seems to not work. Well I mean I knew it wouldn't work but whatever

"We need an herb I told you guys this I just can't remember it" I say looking around
"We don't have time to find a stupid herb he can get over it" Thorin says
"Thorin he is dying!" I exclaim, "Poison! That arrow he was show with was poison!"
Thorin looks at me, "Give him whatever Bard has we need to go find some weapons"
"You guys can't leave!" One of Bards children say
Thorin laughs, "Watch us"
They all start leaving through the front door including Kili.
"Kili you need herbs don't go!" I says trying to stop him but he ignores me and keeps going Fili frowns at me and goes with him, "Dwarves are so stubborn!"
Bards oldest comes up to me, "Hey you should rest up"
I smile at her, "I will, what's your name?"
"Sigrid and my sister is Tilda"
I smile, "Nice to meet you guys"
"So what is up with you and the dwarf?"
I look at her confused, "Whatever do you mean?"
She laughs, "You and the blond dwarf there is something going on, you guys have a connection I can feel it and I can see it"
I laugh, "Oh wow that's funny"
"Come on! You know you have some sort of feeling for him!"

I smile slightly to myself and look away, "I would never!"
Sigrid smiled, I saw it in the reflection of the window and I rolled my eyes, "You are not going to give up are you?"
She shakes her head, "Nope!"

I laugh and look back at her, I take a good look around the home. It's quite comfy, I would actually love a home like this after living in a big grand home for so long. I see herbs and different types of food hanging from the ceiling, what a unique way to store food I have never thought of that! I look around a bit more and see that there's only a few windows the one I am by and then one across the room, makes sense really. I see that the table seat four which is great for there family. I would love to have a quiet little home in a village where I don't have to worry about anything really.


Oh dear not again


Why does this happen so often?!


Stop, Stop, STOP!

"Y/n! Are you okay?!" Sigrid exclaims shaking me, "You were muttering chants! Then you starting screaming are you okay?"
I look around in a panic, there was nothing to trigger it what the hell. I look back and Sigrid and sigh, "Yeah I'm fine I guess"
"Are you sure you seem very panicked." She asks worriedly while rubbing my back
I nod, "I'm okay, it's fine"
She nods, "Okay well you should rest them especially after that"

I nod and lay back down by the window, I close my eyes and think of the flowers I would pick when I was a young child.

'Y/n! It's time to come back now!' I hear my mother yell
I look up holding a bunch of flowers, 'Okay mother! I'll be right there!'
I put all the flowers I have in my basket and run to my mother. She opens her arms and I run into them.
'Oh my sweet, sweet baby girl, I'm going to miss you' she says kissing the top of my head
I look up at her confused, 'Where are you going? I want to come too!'
She shakes her head, frowning at me, 'I wish you could come to but it's my time, my dear'
'What do you mean mother?' I question not letting go of her, afraid she will disappear if I do
'I have to go'
'No!' I don't want you to!' I exclaim
'My dear I have to.' she says and I can see the sadness in her eyes, 'Now go to your father and brother.'
I look behind us and see my father holding his hands out, I give my mother a hug and then start walking to him. I turn back to my mom once I'm half way and see her walking away, I run yelling after her, I try to reach out for her but all I can grab is this inky like stuff. It's like I got put into a mixture of inky and cannot get out.


Not again!


It's getting louder



This chapter is a bit shorter because I want the next one to be longer so I'm stopping it at the dream for now. I hope whoever is reading this is enjoying it!

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