Flashing Fusion

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•Donnie's POV:•
I swiftly grab a hold of a foot clan's arm and use my strength and body to flip him and thrust him into the floor, he screamed at the sudden impact and stayed on the floor, I most likely dislocated his arm and a few fractures in his ribs.
"Hey, Don! A little help here!" I heard Mikey call, I saw that he was surrounded by the foot and was fighting off the best he could, I ran towards him and fought off some of the clan, either knocking them out or damaging their body to an extent where they can't move anymore or just throwing them off the building. Once they were dealt with me and Mikey panted, he turned to me and his blue eyes landed on my brown ones, he smiled "thanks D." He panted, and I smiled back and rubbed his back as he straightened up. We looked over to see Leo finishing off the last standing foot, while Raph stood off to the side laughing at the Foot's failing attempt on defending himself. Leo flung the foot off of the roof and smiled towards us, "good job team!" He nodded, and we all smiled back in return, "that felt good." Raph stretched his arms above his head and smirked towards one of the knocked-out foot members on the floor, "I agree, you want to hang about some more or go straight to Murakami San for some Pizza Gyōza?" Leo asked, everyone was silent for a few seconds before we all immediately "Murakami San!". "Murakami San it is then, c'mon let's get some food." Leo started to lead the way towards the noodle shop, "I dunno about you but I'm starving." Raph followed, Mikey's smile widened and he bumped me with his elbow, "come on!" Mikey began to jog off, I rolled my eyes with a chuckle and began to walk towards my brothers.
Until I felt a sting on my ankle, I winced and looked down, I saw one of the foot clan members had injected something into me, the liquid was red and if it was from the Foot clan, it mustn't be good, I kicked the foot clan in the face and he face-planted the floor, laying motionless. I clench my teeth as I began to gain a migraine behind my eyes, I look towards Mikey to see him turn towards me with a confused expression, suddenly my vision flashed and I saw him crying, covered in blood before it flashed again and he was okay, still confused. I blinked my eyes as I shook my head, walking towards Mikey, "you good bro?" Mikey asked, "yeah, I just got a migraine." I said, Mikey nodded and we followed after our big brothers.

After we ate, paid and went back to the lair I told my brothers good night and went to my lab, I sat down at my desk and grabbed a needle into my vein to collect the deoxygenated blood, I placed it in a test tube and then did it again but this time it was with oxygenated blood, I put it in a separate test tube, I grabbed a blood film and smeared some of my oxygenated blood on it before placing another class on top of it, I grabbed my microscope and placed the film on the stage and made it secure by the clips, I put my eye against the eyepiece and adjusted the vision with a few twists on the objective lenses. I looked at my blood and saw that my white blood cells were tackling something. But what? It wasn't a virus or anything or at least I don't think so. I've never seen anything quite like it. It seemed like some sort of fusion. I hummed and grabbed the blood film, I stood up and walked over to my hidden fridge, placed the cells in there and went back to my desk, I did the same thing with the deoxygenated blood and looked into the objective lens. This time I saw no fusions of any sort. I pulled my eye away with a large sigh, "what could that fusion thing be?" I rubbed my head tiredly, I heard the tab door open and I turned towards it, there stood Mikey. My eyes widened as I got another flash, Mikey was bruised and cut up, screaming at me to stop, before my eyes flashed again and it was back to normal, I stood up and backed away from Mikey, "dude you ok? I was just about to tell you to go to bed but you seem pretty scared?" Mikey asked, "I'm fine Mikey." I rubbed my eyes and quickly grabbed my deoxygenated blood film and put it in the refrigerator. I walked to Mikey and placed a hand on his shell, whilst we walked out of my lab the urge to just.. strangle him overwhelmed me, I removed my hand from him and he looked at me with concern, "are you okay? You've been acting weird since we fought with the foot." Mikey asked with worry laced in his tired voice, "I'm fine Mikey, let's just go to bed." I rushed. We both said goodnight and went to bed.
I locked my door and sat at the edge of my bed, I grabbed my pillow and held it close to me.
Those flashes of Mikey being hurt were.. horrible.. scary..

I wonder if the same thing will happen to Raph and Leo..

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