Cell's Torture

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•Donnie's POV:•
I don't know where I am but I am badly beat up.
The fusion was stronger than me but somehow was restricted in killing me, if it could, it would've killed me a long time ago.
The fusion can harm me but not kill me.
So it found a new way to kill me. That was to kill me mentally.

Such as now.

I was crouched on the floor, and my arms and torso felt tight like I had chains wrapped around my body. Cuts and bruises covered my body and I got a migraine, I was in a colourful world, a world with happy faces on mountains, clouds, the sun, stars, the grass, the flowers.. you name it, heck maybe even the atoms in this world had smiley faces. I need to figure out how to get out of here, but the colours were just so blinding.. "what's wrong Donatello? Have you given up? Just proves how weak you are. I truly wonder how your brothers deal with a pathetic little existence such as you. Especially April, why would she like a big, green mutant turtle like yourself? She's too good for you, no matter how hard you'll try she'll never love you." The fusion smirked as it walked around me, my throat was sore, and my eyes were swollen, I had already cried.. and I'm about to again.
"Get out of my head!" I screamed, "hahaha! You can't get rid of me! I'm inside of you, I'm just telling you the truth since you always lie to yourself." The fusion ran up to me and jumped in the air, it landed on my shell forcing my body to hit the floor, the smiling grass laughed at the impact of my body slamming down on it, and the flowers laughed at the sight of seeing the fusion beat me, it was taunting. I felt the fusion grab the tails of my mask and force my head up, "look what you do to your brothers in the future." The fusion whispered, suddenly our surroundings change and we are on top of TCRI, Raph laid on the ground with one of his eyes ripped out of him and a spear through his chest, bleeding out, Leo has a scar over both of his eyes, his pupils white with shock and scars all over his body, he seemed to have been shot in the head. And Mikey was missing his left arm, scars also littered his body, he laid motionless on the floor as his tails dance slowly in the cold, bitter air.
I cried and screamed out their names, trying to wake them up, to move, to breathe.
"This is what you do! This is all your fault!" The fusion screamed, I couldn't speak, I only stared at the bodies of my brothers in front of me.
I don't give up, not yet.

But I'm getting there.

•Mikey's POV:•
Splinter stitched my leg and unfortunately, it will scar.. it was deep. My thigh was numb and I had a bandage wrapped over my head, Splinter, Leo and Raph were in the dojo, trying to figure out why Donnie was acting the way he was.
I lay on a metal bed, it was cold and stung my skin, I noticed a chair sitting next to the bed, a chair that spins and rolls around, due to my leg not only being numb but healing, I had to be careful with my movements. Slowly I made my way onto the chair and used my good leg to move around, which wasn't easy due to my small size. I looked around the lab and noticed a weird circle of glass with blood on it, I went towards it and saw it sat on the stage of a microscope, 'what was Donnie doing?' I pondered, I used the tail to support my weight as I lifted myself from the chair with my arms, I looked through the eye thing and saw a weird cell, I hummed and sat back down "I wonder what cell that is." I hummed, kicked the floor and rolled towards one of Donnie's cabinets, I opened it and saw a pile of Science books, "cells.. cells.. cells.. cells AHA!" I cheered as I finally found the bilogily book.. bioligy? Biology? Yeah, biology book. I looked at all the pictures of cells and saw that the cell in.. um... wait.. I rolled back towards where the microscope was and saw the label at the bottom of the glass thing 'Donnie's Oxygenated blood', okay well the cells in Donnie 'Oxygenated Blood' was nothing alike the cells in the book, not even the plant cells looked like this. "Maybe that's what caused Donnie to act like this.." I hummed, smiled and looked around, "looks like I gotta find a solution!" I cheered and began to roll around in the lab, collecting a bunch of materials.

•Raphael's POV:•
Donnie wasn't answering any questions, his only intention was to knock us out. How did we know he wasn't trying to kill us? Simple, he wasn't hurting us in any way, he just keeps on trying to hit our sweet spots, such as the chin, the sides of the jaw, and the temples.
Unlike what he's trying to do to Mikey.
"He seems absent in himself." Splinter stroked his goatee, "what do you mean Master Splinter?" Leo asked, I rolled my eyes 'Master Splinter' what a goodie two shoes, "this is not the real him, he seems to be lost in a world he cannot control, something else has control of him, and he is unfortunately losing his fight." Splinter hummed, "what can we do about it?" I butted in, "there is nothing we can do I'm afraid.." Splinter bowed his head, "are you sure about that?" A sudden cheerful voice asked.
We looked towards the door and saw Mikey there using the door to hold his weight whilst also raising a tranquilliser gun.

Oh jeez..

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