Quercitron Magic

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•No One POV:•
"Mikey.. what exactly is that?" Leo asked, staring suspiciously at the tranquilliser gun which was filled with some weird quercitron substance in it, "well, I was in the lab, bored out of my mind may I add, and I decided to look around the lab, I saw this weird microscope thing with cells on the stage and well the cells looked weird, so I looked for it in some books, I found the usual blood cells and white-cells and so on so on but I couldn't find one. So I thought it might be the cause of Donnie acting like this and I found a cure!" Mikey explained, by this time the anaesthetics in Mikey's leg began to wear off but Mikey ignored the pain, claiming his brother was more important. Mikey wobbled to them with a pained face, Raph rushed over and helped him to the dojo floor, "okay.. so why a tranquilliser gun exactly?" Raph asked, eyeing the gun, "well he wants to kill me so I'm not getting close." Mikey honestly said, "okay.. and what did you put in the tranquilliser?" Leo asked, "I dunno. Stuff." Mikey smiled, "Mikey I forbid you to put that thing in Donnie." Leo shook his head, Mikey smiled "I thought you'd say it, buuut..." Mikey raised the gun and shot the tranquilliser right into Donnie's neck, "you're too late." Mikey chuckled, "Mikey!" Leo and Raph shouted, yet stared at Donnie for any form of reaction.
Donnie just sat there, wrapped around in chains as his eyes were closed. Suddenly Donnie's head twitched and foam began to fill the purple mask turtle's mouth, Leo panicked but Mikey remained calm.. kinda.. Raph just watched, frozen in place and Splinter watched thoughtfully.
Donnie screamed and whipped his head left and right before finally, throwing up red, but it wasn't blood, the red substance didn't have its metallic smell or the same thickness as usual, this was sticky, and smelled like rotten pizza and meat mixed together, Leo and Raph backed away as Splinters eyes filled with concern, "my son?" Splinter asked, suddenly Donnie began to scream, it sounded like thousands of screams were mixed in one, "Mikey! What did you do?!" Leo screamed, "I dunno.." Mikey shook his head as tears began to fall from his freckled cheeks.
Then it went quiet, the tension in the air was thick. And then..

Donnie passed out.

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