Training 'Accident'

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•Donnie's POV:•
It was morning and Mikey has made us all bacon and eggs for breakfast, as I was eating I kept glancing at Raph and Leo, yet there were no flashes like I'd get when I look at Mikey. It scared me. The overwhelming feeling to hurt my brother; let alone Mikey, is so terrifying.
But a question remained in my head, 'why am I only getting visions of Mikey and not Raph and Leo?' The question was bouncing around my head and it began to annoy me with the lack of answers I was receiving.
"Donnie?" I suddenly heard my name being called by Leo, I looked towards him, "you feeling okay?" He asked, "y-yeah! Sorry I was just thinking." I mumbled, "when are you not." Raph commented whilst he took his last bite of bacon, "well I'm finished, call me when training is about to start." Raph said and walked out, Mikey then finished and grabbed Raph's plate which the redhead had left on the table, Mikey took it to the table and began to wash the dishes so he doesn't have to do them later. I and Leo had small talk and finished our breakfast, we thanked Mikey for washing our dishes.
We walked out and I immediately went to my lab. "I need to figure out what's going on."

•Mikey's POV:•
Once I had finished the dishes I cringed at the feeling of having wrinkly fingers as I dried my hand on a not-so-soft cloth. It made me gag.
I look at the time and realise that training was in ten or so minutes, what could I do...

I rushed out of the kitchen and towards Raph's room, I saw his door was slightly ajar and moved to see what he was doing, I saw that he was playing with his action figures, making them fight and argue with each other, I pursed my lips and snuck backwards away from Raph's door, I coughed and shouted "Hey Raph! You wanna do something?!" I asked, I opened his door fully and instead of holding his action figures he held a comic book whilst laying back, haha! He was pretending he didn't just play with toys right now! "No Mikey I'm busy." Raph grunted, I chuckled, "busy doing what? Playing with your action figures?" I laughed, and I saw Raph's eye twitch, he then put down his comic book and grabbed his drumstick which was laying at the bottom of his bed, I gulped, "so what if I was!" Raph shouted and began to chase after me.
I screamed as I ran away, I circled the living room, kitchen and dojo, but as always he wins, he jumped and tackles me on the ground in the living room, he begins to hit my head hard with the drumstick, not too hard to break it though, "ow! Ow! OW! Dude! Stop! It was just a tease!" I cried as I covered my head with my hands, letting my hands take the abuse from the drumstick instead, "guys." I and Raph turned towards Leo who was standing over us, "it's time to train, I'll go get Donnie." Leo said and walked off, I and Raph glared at each other before getting up and going to the dojo. Sensei was already there waiting for us, "good morning boys." Sensei greeted, "morning Sensei." Both me and Raph said in sync. We both sat down next to each other and waited for the others.
Soon enough they came, Leo sat next to me and Donnie sat next to Raph, we all looked up towards our sensei, "great. Now that we are all here we can now begin. Today you will be going into combat as teams, two vs two." Splinter explain we all nodded, "Leonardo and Michelangelo, you two are a team. Raphael and Donatello, you two must work together to defeat your brothers." Splinter said sternly, we all nodded and grabbed our weapons, I did a quick stretch before getting into my stance.
"Begin!" Splinter shouted, everything was still until Raph lunged forward, and Leo followed after.
I decided to take the cue and also ran forward, Donnie followed my actions, he spun his Bō swiftly before stopping and aimed for my chest, I dodged before he could hit me and I wrapped my chain around his Bō, I threw the Bō away and jumped in the air towards Donnie, my older brother raised his arms to cover himself and my feet ended up landing on his forearm, I jumped off and did a back flip but once I landed I was immediately knocked to the ground by Donnie swiping at my feet, he collects his Bō back and I backed away, mine and Raph's shell's touched and when I turned to face him I immediately kick him in the shin, making him fall, I grab his arm and used all my strength to lift Raph up, jump, and kick him towards the Donnie that was running towards me and Leo, "good job Mikey." Leo smiled, and I smiled warmly back. All was okay and Splinter was about to call the battle off until Donnie got back to his feet, panting. Raph was still on the floor rubbing his head, Donnie lunged towards me and Leo and attacked Leo. I watched as Donnie slid his Bō in between Leo's arms and sword before throwing him into a wall, Donnie then turned towards me and pinned me against the wall, his Bō staff having pressure on my neck. I gagged and tried to pull the Bō away, I looked fearfully into Don's eyes and saw they had a slight red glow to them, my eyes widened as Donnie put his body weight on the Bō, this is going to leave a bruise on my neck, "D-Donnie!" I gasped, "Donatello! Pull away this instant!" Splinter strictly said, but it was as though Donnie didn't hear him, I watched Donnie's mouth widen into a harsh sneer, I had enough seeing as no one else was helping me I kicked Donnie's legs and he fell over, dropping his Bō, I gasped and fell to the floor, I quickly grab Donnie's Bō and threw it to Splinter who caught it easily, he and the other's ran to me and checked if I was alright, my tears stung with tears and my throat throbbed with pain, I look fearfully into Donnie's eyes as he watched me with a scared face, a face of confusion, and guilt. "Donatello explain yourself at once!" Demanded Splinter, Donnie just placed a hand over his mouth and whispered a bucket load of 'no's before getting up and running out of the dojo.

What's going on with him lately?

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