Red World

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•Donnie's POV:•
It had been two hours since I went to bed and fell asleep..

I panted as I ran through an endless hallway of a beaten-up hospital, sweat poured down my face as I heard the loud stomping behind me, suddenly a loud irritable screech echoed through the walls, loud enough to make my ears ring, I cringed before I felt a body being thrown into mine.
I fell to the floor and screamed, I crawled away and turned to sit on my bum, I kicked the face of whoever it was and saw it was myself.. the one that has been hurting my brothers! The fusion.

I pulled myself up and began running again, now the room was spinning, literally. I jumped at every corner that made my way and my surroundings soon faded into the city streets, I felt my Bō hit me harshly on the side, sending me towards a brick wall, once my body impacted it about 3 windows broke and a dent of my body shaped the now cracked wall. I walked away from the wall dazed and pained, I looked up and saw the fusion again.
"Ugh, what do you want from me?!" I screamed, I was defenceless while the fusion has a Bō, it smiled and stood up straight, "I want your brain, Donatello. Let me take over and out your brothers into place." The fusion's voice sounded like 50 different voices mashed into one. "Oh so trying to kill Mikey is putting my brother into place?!" I screamed, "apparently so." The fusion smiled, his bright red eyes glared death daggers right into my shell and his movements were smooth, giving me high anxiety.
"Let's be honest here, Donatello." The fusion slowly looked down at his Bō before suddenly appearing in front of me and throwing me on the ground, putting the Bō against my neck "I'm the better one here. My movements are better, my fighting skills are stronger. With me, you'll be able to help the foot destroy your brothers and Splinter." The fusion smirked, "the foot?!" My eyes widened, "whoops, did I spill that out? My mistake." The fusion sarcastically smirked as he began to battle me, I fought him as best as I could.
"If you want to kill us all, why aim for Mikey?" I glared, my face had blood splattered over my cheek and chest, me and the fusion shared a heaving chest, "why? Because he's the weakest link.. yet also the strongest.. with him gone you will all fall apart. And then we can end you all at your most vulnerable times." The fusion laughed as he flew up to the sky and pulled out the dagger, "mind you if you get hurt here, you'll get hurt in the real world too." The fusion began to fall towards me, I gasped and rolled out of the way, despite the pain in my chest and stomach I still choose to speak "why tell me about this?" I asked, "because you won't live long enough to stop me." Was the last thing he said before launching himself towards me.

•Mikey's POV:•
It's nighttime and Donnie has now been asleep for an hour or two. I was stationed in my room reading a comic book on my bed until I was interrupted by a knock on my door, the door slightly opened and there was Donnie.
"Oh, you're awake! How're you feeling bro?" I asked, I felt uncomfortable with him entering my room and closing the door, "Mikey.." he whispered my name, I placed the comic down and stood up "you okay bro?" I asked. I walked towards him and stretched an arm towards him, only for him to grab my wrist and throw me into the wall, I cringed at the pain in my back before feeling myself getting thrown again into another wall, I yelped and ripped my hand away from Donnie, a bruise was forming with how tight he held it, I looked at him in fear, only now did I notice his eyes were shut tight, only now did I realise how slowly he opened his eyes, only now did I notice the deadly glow of red forming from irises, his pupils were deathly red you could see it no matter how dark it may be.
My eyes trembled as I reached out and grabbed my nunchuck, I only had one since the other was in the dojo. " your not my brother! What did you do to him!?" I asked, but before I could even react he leapt forward and kicked me in the stomach, shooting me back, I cringed and used my nunchuck to hit his face as he tried to get over me again, he got knocked over my bed and held his face with a pained frown. I took the chance and bolted towards the door, I grabbed the handle and pushed it only for it to be locked, I gasped and before I could unlock it I felt a punch at the back of my head, causing my face to hit the door hard, Donnie then grabbed my shell and threw me onto the floor, I threw my nunchuck and wrapped it around his ankle and tripped him over, he fell but caught himself with his arms, I forced the pressure into his arms making him jump up and onto me, he grabbed my nunchuck, took out the blade and broke the chain, I felt goosebumps shiver up my body, I looked Donnie in the eyes, he was angry yet confused, like he was fighting something off, Donnie raised his fist and hit me square in the face, I screamed as he did it once again, I grabbed his fist on the third round and cried for help, Donnie head butted me and grabbed the nunchuck with the blade sticking out, I tried to fight him off but with the odd position we were in, it was difficult, he slid the cold metal across my thigh before actually cutting my skin, I screamed louder and finally my door was knocked down by Raph kicking through the door, Leo, Raph and Sinter gasped at the sight and pinned Donnie to my floor, Splinter ran over to me and checked my injury's, "are you alright my son?" Papa said holding me up, I cringed and shook my head, "Leonardo, Raphael, chain Donatello up and place him in the dojo, I'll take Michelangelo into the lab and sort out his wounds." Splinter lifted me, I of course didn't expect to be lifted up so I clamped my arms around his neck and whined at the pain in my thigh.

Today has been.. weird.

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