Fixed Well

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•No One POV:•
"You put a bit of ice cream kitty in it?!" Raph screamed at Mikey who was sitting on a beanbag, "yes?" Mikey shrugged.
Donnie was currently in bed, nothing else had happened, he just seemed to have passed out and Splinter was meditating, hoping to find Donnie's spirit, "is there anything else abnormal you put in the tranquilliser?" Leo asked calmly with his arms crossed, "well... hmm.. I guess I did add one of Leatherhead's scales in there.." Mikey shrunk into his shell slowly, "YOU DID WHAT?! Do you know how disgusting that is?! Why do you even have that thing anyway?" Raph growled, "Ok! Ok! I get it I'm weird jeez! But it wasn't me who had it, it was Donnie, I think he wanted a part of Leatherhead's scales to see what the Krang was doing to him! Honest!" Mikey raised his hands defensively.
"Your such a knucklehead." Raph sighed.

Echos of footsteps came from the hallway, perking everyone's attention, they all turned towards the hallway and there he was, Donatello.
Mikey tensed and tried to move away, but the pain in his leg didn't allow him to. Leo and Raph stood up and defensively stood in front of Mikey to block Donnie and Mikey from each other.
Donnie's eyes were closed and everything was silent, "my body hurts." Donnie whined as he opened his eyes, they back to their usual brownish colour with no red glow, Mikey, Leo and Raph's eyes widened as they looked at each other before smiling, "you're back!" Raph and Leo cheered, running up to Donnie and engulfing him in a hug, Mikey smiled softly and relaxed his body. His cure worked.. 'thank the turtle lord.' Mikey sighed.
"Yeah.." Donnie noticed Mikey's absence in the hug and looked at his little brother sitting on the beanbag looking thoughtfully at them, then Donnie's eyes travelled to Mikey's thigh, and noticing the stitch Donnie rushed forward to his little brother "Mikey! Are you okay?! What happened?" Donnie asked, "you don't remember? Oh yeah, you weren't there mentally." Mikey hummed, "you and Mikey fought, you tried to kill him. And since we're talking about this.. why? What happened?" Leo asked, "how about we go to my lab and we can talk about this." Donnie suggested, "Leo go get Splinter, Raph help me." Donnie said, Donnie wrapped his arms under Mikey's arms and lifted the small turtle, Raph rushed and placed one of Mikey's arms over his shoulders and Donnie did the same, going into the direction of Donnie's lab, Mikey did feel a little uncomfortable with being so close to Donnie after what happened but convinced himself that whoever tried to kill him, wasn't Donnie.
Once they made it to the lab Donnie and Raph placed Mikey on the table and Donnie checked over his wounds, "neck is healing, the head is healing, and Sensei I've got to admit you're good at stitching! Did you disinfect it?" Donnie asked, noticing Leo and Splinter entering the room, "indeed I have Donatello. How are you both feeling?" Splinter asked, "I'm good! Just my leg really hurts, everything else is kinda sore." Mikey answered, "I'll get you some painkillers now then." Donnie said, getting up and going to the cabinet and grabbing some painkillers "Can someone get Mikey a glass of water?" Donnie asked, "I'll go." Raph volunteered and walked away, "as for me, my body is also aching also I'm mentally drained." Was all Donnie said, Raph returned with the water and lent it to Mikey, Mikey took the pills and the water before gulping it down.
"Yeah.. what happened back there anyway?" Raph asked crossing his arms and leaning against the wall, "well I can't exactly say, when I went asleep after attacking Mikey I woke up in a strange world, and there was this other me who began to taunt and attempt to kill me, it couldn't obviously but it did mentally drain me." Donnie sighed, "right, so whoever attacked Michelangelo was not you?" Splinter asked, "no Sensei, I would never try to kill my little brother." Donnie vowed, "well as long as you are both.. somewhat okay." Leo smiled, and everyone nodded in agreement.
"Also who found out how to cure me?" Donnie asked, looking between Leo, Raph and Splinter, "I did." Mikey cheered, "Mikey? You did?! Wow.. why am I shocked.. how-? What did you do?" Donnie asked, "I dunno." Mikey shrugged, Donnie's eye twitched and he shook his head before raising his hand and petting his little brother's head. "How'd you even get that other Donnie anyway?" Raph asked, "well I think it was when we fought the foot, one of them injected me with a weird red substance, after that for some reason I had the urge to hurt Mikey, I think it's because he was the first one I saw after I was injected." Donnie answered. "Always the foot. We can never catch a break, not even at home." Raph rolled his eyes. The brothers and Splinter chuckled.

The day after that everything went well, Mikey and Donnie healed up both mentally and physically well. Leo, Don, Raph and Mikey were more careful when it comes to going on patrol.

But that's when Mikey realised...

Donnie never said sorry or thank you.


Hiii!! Hope you enjoyed!

Spell checker + grammar checker: Grammarly
(Blame Grammarly if there's a mistake)
Writer: Pengeo

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