Are You Free?

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Hey guys! It's been awhile I know. But I got it up there!!


Chapter 11

"Hey Sophia, how was your weekend." Max said.

"Hi Mr. C. It was awesome, I got to see fishes and a big shark!"

I walked behind Sophia into her classroom. Max looked at me with a great big smile. Sophia was going on and on about her trip to the aquamarine. Mom and Evan took her while I finishing 2 up some assignments for school; she had the time of her life. While she was telling her teachers about her weekend, I went to put her things in her cubby. Mr. Chavinski came over towards me with a grin on his face. I still feel embarrassed with the last time I had a discussion with him and I ran out of his office in tears.

"Hey, so how was your weekend?" he grinned.

"Okay, not as entertaining as little miss princess over there, all I did was catch up on assignments for school."

"Listen I was wondering... if you and Sophia were available this Saturday. We could go to the Zoo, what do you say?"

Oh my gosh, this cant be happening. I can't do this; I'm not ready for this. What if he does something to me? What if he hurts Sophia? Come on Faith get a hold of yourself, a handsome man wants to hangout with you and your daughter.

"Umm... I think we are." I stuttered.

"So is that a yes?" he asked nervously.

"Ye-yes." Stop stuttering.

"That's great! How about I get your number and I'll text you about Saturday."

After I had given him my number and I got his number I said bye to Sophia who didn't seem to notice that I was still there, she was too busy with her friends. Once I got into my car, I scold myself for being idiotic and agreeing to meeting him outside the school. I can't even get close enough to anyone, how am I going to be getting into a car with him...a confined space where he is free to do as he pleases.

"Faith, you are so dumb. Why would you say yes?"

"You know you would have said yes, that man is gorgeous. How could you say no to him."

"Wow, where did that thought come from?"

"You know that you have a thing for him."

"Wait whom am I talking to?"

Duh, your conscious?

"Okay everyone Faith Carter has finally gone crazy. I am talking to myself – scratch that I am fighting with myself – on wheither or not I am interested in a man?"

As I pulled up into the school's parking lot I finally got the annoying voice out of my head. The day went by uneventful and boring as I did the same old routine by going to class and sitting alone at lunch.


"Yay, we're going to the Zoo! We're going to the Zoo! Wake up mommy! Wake up!" Sophia screamed as she jumped on my bed giving me a very ear-deafening wake up call.

"Soph, could you please let mommy sleep for a few more minutes, please?" I mumble into my pillow. She popped down on my bed with her arms "Come cuddle with mommy." She came and laid down next to me as she cuddled into me.

"What are you excited to see at the zoo today?" Instantly the hyperactive child is back to life.

"The giraffes! I want my neck to be that long."

"Okay, go get dressed. We are leaving in 1 hour."

She ran off screaming her head off, if she keeps this up at this rate she would be losing her voice most defiantly. I really hope that she stays this optimistic about everything that is in reality.

After I finished my shower I looked into my closet to find out what I was going to be wearing. I tried on 4 different outfits and none of them were the one. I know what you might be thinking, why is she overthinking this? It's just the zoo. I am so frustrated and I don't even know why. I'm over thinking this...I need to relax...this is not a date maybe he was just finding an excuse to go to the zoo and not have people think he is crazy or a pedophile for going to a place for kids. Yes that's least that's what I'm going to let myself believe for the better of my sanity.

My mom came into the room as a violent groan escaped my lips. I could tell she thought this was a date. She wanted to come in and gush about what the date is going to be like and then find me the perfect outfit that will look great and completely suit the place we were going.

"Mind if I help?" my asked with excitement in her eyes.

"Please?" I murmur.

"Just wear something casual. How about these shorts and plaid button down shirt with those brown combat boots? They were perfect but are they too much? I went into my bathroom to change into the outfit she picked.

"Oh... honey you look great." I started pulling the shorts down they stat mid thigh; they were too short for my liking. "I can't wear these, they show everything and what if something happens. I don't want to risk it." I said nervously.

"Sweetheart you look amazing. Just because those sick people did that to you doesn't mean that every man is the same. There are good men out there, like Evan and from what I hear from Sophia and when I met Max he seems like a great guy and he is a super fine." She smirked.

"Does that mean that I have some competition?" I looked to my bedroom door to see a smirking Evan with an amused look on his face.

"If I were 20 years younger then hell yeah! I'd be all over that!" I burst out laughing, my mom was swinging her arms and body around trying to act all young and cool. Evan looked at her with an eyebrow up looking at my mom with so much love and amusement.

"I really scored with this one." He playful teased my mom, he walked over to the love of his life and kissed her hair and hugged her. I wish I could have what my mom has with Evan; they were in love. They had such respect, he's caring towards not only my mom but to Madison and I, he treated us as if we were his own kids and not just his girlfriend's kids. "You look beautiful Faith." He complimented. I smiled and nodded.

"I'm being paranoid I shouldn't be scared. This is going to be fun and I'm not going to let those people dictate how I live my life." Then the doorbell rang. "FUCK!! I lied I can't do this! I'm scared shitless!" I squealed running into the bathroom and locking the door.


I know you all hate me right now and you are plotting my death but the next chapter will be up soon. I know I don't have the best track record with uploading when I say i am but i will try my best to get a chapter uploaded in a few weeks.





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