I Can Never Forget

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This chapter is dedicated to my little sister who helped me edit this chapter. Love you sis <3.


Chapter 2




I heard the annoying sound continue. Where is it coming from? I tried to move but I had no such luck; I was too sore to move a muscle. I then tried to open my eyes but they were too heavy. After forcing them to open I finally saw light blind my eyes, I quickly closed them, a few seconds later I made another attempt, and finally I succeeded.

            I looked around I realized I was in a white hospital room. I felt pressure on my right hand; I looked to see what it was only to see another hand entwined into mine. I tried recognizing the persons face but it was covered with hair and an arm. I tried to remove my hand from the tight grip. Once I was half way out the person's body jerked up. I flinched away. Only to see it was my mother.

"Oh thank god, you're ok." My mother said.


"Honey, are you ok? Does anything hurt? Do you want me to get you anything? Water? Pain killers? Anything?" she threw questions at me. She looked so worried about me, I felt bad that I was the cause of her worry. I shook my head.

            I closed my eyes to get some sleep but the images of, what happened came flooding back to me, I saw it like a movie in my head. Tears started to blur my vision. My mother came up to me and put a hand on my thigh, I flinched away and tucked my knees into my chest and buried my face into my knees. The flashback began to take over my brain, images of what I saw, his eyes, his blue eyes staring at me, his tattoo on his lower abdomen.

I heard a click come from the door on the other side of the room. A man in a lab coat with a clipboard started to make his way towards the bed I was sitting in. He was reading something off the clip board while he was walking to my mother and me. Once the man was close enough I got a good glance of him. He was young but not young as 24 or 25, he looked mid thirties, he was tall and a built body, he was actually attractive but not for me. When he finally looked up at me and I saw grey eyes staring back at me then to my mom.

My moms' face was priceless when I saw her blushing like a school girl and sending a flirty smile to him and the man I presume is my doctor wasn't any better. His face was red and had a big goofy grin on his face. In the end he finally noticed me, he coughed and went back to reading his clipboard.

"Hello my name is Dr. Evan Taylor. I will be your doctor for the time being. Right, Miss. Carter, so, well it's great to see you awake finally. Everything seems to be looking good. But we will have you overnight for observation." He said looking at me but sneaking sly glances at my mom while talking. "The police are here to ask you some questions about what happened last night. Would you like me to send them in now or in an hour or so?" he asked sympathetically.

            The doctor came closer and tried to touch my hand but I flinched away screaming. I didn't mean to but I was so scared of what he would be capable of doing to me. Right at that second when he tried to touch me I saw his eyes. The flashback came:

"Open your eyes I want you to see me while I fuck you. Damn babe you are tight, just like a virgin." He chuckles. "Holy fuck you are a virgin, aren't you? Well, I'm honored to take it from you."

I started to scream and struggle as the flash backs kept on rolling in front of me like a film in my mind that wanted me to suffer. I felt hands around my wrists and ankles, the flashbacks only came faster and making my screams more ear deafening. I felt beads of sweat on my forehead and my mother crying and soothing me but nothing can help me. The damage is already done, there is no way I will ever forget what he did to me. After I calmed down Dr. Taylor sat down with me only, my mom has gone to the hospital cafeteria downstairs. He started asking me questions, but I just stared at the wall on the other side of the room blankly.

"Faith, what happened last night? You can trust me; I won't hurt you or tell anyone. Your mother and I want to help you." He said soothingly.

"You can't help me, no one can help me. You want to know why?" he continued to stare at me then nodded his head. "Because I can never forget. I can never forget the taunting eyes that stared at me, I can never forget everything they said to me, and most of all I can never ever forget what he did to Me." by the time I finished speaking I was sobbing violently.

My mother came into the room seeing me crying, she came over to hug me and calm me down, but I jerked away and screamed from the fast movement, my heart started beating fast my breathing became shallow; the heart monitor's beeping sound increased like crazy. I looked at my mother's face all I saw was hurt and sadness I felt ashamed of myself when I did that, but I couldn't help it my body just reacted.

I could feel myself start to have a panic attack. Dr. Anderson ran to my side and put a mask on my face that covered my mouth and nose. I could feel body my started to relax and I felt tired and sleepy; my eyes began to shut involuntarily. I tried to keep them open but I couldn't fight it, it felt like I had no control of my body. Suddenly I saw nothing but black.


Hey what you think so far?




Rand Qadri                                                                           

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