Keeping Our Hands to Ourselves

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Chapter 8

I walked through the hall until I reached the English room. As I walked through the door I saw a teacher that I have never seen before. There was no one in the room except the teacher. The other students are probably hanging with their friends talking and laughing till the bell rings. I tried to get to the seat in the back without getting noticed, but luck wasn't on my side. My bag slipped from my shoulder and onto the floor with loud thump. The man looked away from his phone and onto me.

"Hi, I'm Mr. Campbell." He said as he stood and started walking towards me with his hand stretched out. When he was about to get too close I panicked I backed away from him until my back hit the wall. "Hey, hey, hey it's okay I'm not going to hurt you. What's your name?"

"F-F-Faith...Faith C-Carter." I whispered.

"Ah. Faith I've heard about you."

            He walked back to put a desk in between us. It actually helped with calming me down. When he gave me time to calm down fully, he was just looking at me not saying a word or making any movements.

"You've heard about everything?"

"Yeah, I heard about everything. I'm not going to say I'm sorry because there is no real point to it, what happened, happened."

"I think you're the first person who hasn't looked at me with disgust or sympathy. It's a change; a good change."

"Why do people look at you in disgust? Sympathy I can understand, but disgust, why?" he looked surprised.

"Because I am disgusting, I feel disgusting. I was raped for god sakes. Who wouldn't look at me as disgusting filth?" I laughed weakly as I felt tears surface in my eyes making my vision blur. "I can't even look my daughter in the eye without feeling fear and remembering" I said under my breath.

"You are not disgusting, you are not filth; you are strong, and you will get through this you just need to believe that what happened is in the past is in fact in the past and it won't come back, they won't come back. I have a friend of mine that was also a victim of the same issue maybe I could introduce you to her. She was just like you, she use to hate herself, feel worthless, used, and disgust towards herself. But now she's happy, with a son."

Before I could say anything the bell rang students piled into the class and to choose their seats. He looked at me and smiled I gave a weak smile. I wiped the escaped tears from under my eyes and took a seat in the back of the room. So I could go unnoticed.

"Hello, class welcome back! I'm your new English teacher Mr. Campbell..." soon enough I zoned out and didn't listen to what he was saying. I was thinking about the girl he was talking about, could I really forget about what happened? Could I live a normal and happy life again?

My thoughts were interrupted by the bell everyone was up and leaving I got up and walked out toward my next period class. The rest of the day was just the normal icebreaking morning for the new semester, which is getting to know the students and the teacher.

During the middle of my last period class my phone rang very loudly, everyone's eyes we on me the teacher was giving me the dirtiest look of life. Sophia's pre-school's name was flashing.

"Could I please take this call in the hallway, it might be an emergency." I said softly to the teacher. She sighed and nodded me towards the door. When I got outside I answered it quickly.


"Hi, this is Max Chaviski from Royal Dawson Pre-school."

"Yes, is everything okay?"

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