The Zoo!

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Chapter 12

The Zoo!

"MOMMY! MOMMY HE'S HERE! WE'RE GOING TO THE ZOO!" Sophia said running and screaming around the house all the way to my room.

"Sophia, why don't you and grandma go open the door for our guest?" I heard Evan trying to calm my hyperactive child.

"Faith..." he knocked on the bathroom door. "Faith... can you please open the door. I just want to talk."

I took a deep breath. I slowly unlocked the lock that was barricading me from the horrible outside world.

Evan came in slowly and tentative as he was making sure that he does not let the situation get out of control due to my unexpected outburst in uncomfortable situations.

"What's wrong Faith?"

"I'm scared," I said in a small voice.

"Of what?"

"Of what could happen. I'm broken, Evan. I can't be fixed. I can't trust anyone. How can I trust a guy that I just met? I made a mistake by saying yes, I'm just a broken girl and I'll always be this way..."

"When I look at you I don't see a broken girl. I see a girl that is stronger than seven men combined. I know I didn't know you before the incident but from what I have seen in you are not a quitter and you are an adventurist that loves to explore. You are still that same person you are just more cautious about what you are doing and whom you are doing it with. I am proud of you, and how strong you are, most people would not be able to do what you are doing. Continuing to live your life and raising a beautiful daughter, I am a man but I know if I were to be put in your situation I can't carry on living and having the courage to raise the child that shares the same blood as her father."

"Do you really mean that?" I asked hesitantly.

I knew that Evan was great but hearing him say those things made me think about how I have done all those things. But I don't believe that I am strong, what I have done it was so my daughter could not become like her father or anything compared to him.

"So you are going to go have an amazing time on your date with a man that is interested in you and also Sophia. Maybe you could start opening up to people that are outside this house."

"Okay, are you sure? Do I look okay?"

"Go have fun! You look great!" Evan shooed me out the bathroom door and follows me down the stairs and into the living room. The sight that I saw as I walked into the living room made my heart melt, there was Sophia and Max on the floor laughing and playing with the blocks that were scattered around. I walked towards the two until they noticed my presence.

"Hey, you two having fun without me I see." I joked with them.

"Never," Max smirked at me his eyes lingered down. "You look beautiful." He complimented.

"Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself."

He wore men's skinny jeans with a light grey shirt and a beany half way on his head. He looked great... he looked sexy. How can a man like this even look at a girl like me, I will never understand. Max jumped up from the floor and walked over to me slowly.

"Are you ready to go?" He whispered in my ear.

"HE'S TOO CLOSE!" My brain yelled out to me. I jumped and backed away until my back hit the wall. How did he get so close? When did he come to my side of the living room?

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