Chapter Five

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Dovey's POV: 

Everything became very hot. I couldn't stop looking in her piercing ocean eyes. I felt so nervous, and between my legs were becoming oh so very hot. Lesso must be able to feel the heat, even through the many layers I am wearing. Wait do I want Lesso? I- . She's a Never. This can't happen, there are rules for a reason. They are there to be followed and obeyed. It could alter the balance for the worse. But. But the way she's looking at me, the way I feel. It's indescribable. It's exhilarating. It's nerve wracking. I've always acknowledged her beauty. Yet it's so much more than that, the way she walks with such authority. The way she smiles when a student or teacher falls on their face. The way she has so much determination to make sure she gets what she wants or desires. Am I something she desires? From the way she's sat on me right now I would guess yes but she is known for teasing and torturing people by using their weaknesses.

"Answer me Dove" Lesso ordered, her eyebrows knitting into an annoyed frown. 

"I-... I" I was lost for words.

"Use your words Dove"

I hesitated not knowing how to respond. One one side it was wrong in every way and could destroy the balance between the schools. On the other hand, I really wanted her. I wanted to find out who the real Lady Lesso was and why I had feelings for a person who loved to torture people. My mind was scrambled. I couldn't think straight. I gave her a panicked look before I did something extremely rash...

I placed a kiss on her lips. Her lips were surprisingly soft and tasted like dark chocolate. She pushed me back a second. Confusion was written all over her face until it softened into a smile. 

"Are you sure you want to do this little Dove?" She asked in a much softer tone. Everything had softened. Her grip on me, her face, even her posture. 

I nodded in response. She pulled me in by my dress and our lips smashed together. Unlike my first peck of a kiss. This was way more passionate, our mouths and tongues adventured the others. Our tongues were fighting for dominance, of course she won. She explored everywhere in my mouth in such a magical way I moaned into the kiss. Her hands had now ventured elsewhere. One had trailed from my neck to my jaw, whilst the other was around my waist. Pulling me in so close we could have been one entity. We both pulled back gasping for the air to refill our lungs urgently. 

"What now?" I asked worriedly, still looking into her eyes.

"I don't know Dove. I mean do you even like me?" Lesso nervously enquired.

"Of course I do Lady Lesso! Have you met you?! You're stunning!" I felt so relieved I had finally gotten my feelings out there "I think this is the only time I have ever seen you nervous" I laughed.

"Shut up" She joked before looking at me worried "I like you too." That was all I needed to hear from her. My arms opened wide and I hugged her so hard, the best bit was she reciprocated the embrace.  "Especially when you're not being goody two shoes"

"Oi, I am good you know. I can't help it!" I gave a fake pout which she wiped off by kissing me again.  

"As much as I am loving whatever we are doing right now, Dove, we both have classes to teach"

"Please call me Clarissa"

"Maybe I will Clarrr-issa" She mocked "You can only call me Leonora, if you're moaning it"

My eyes opened in shock so much.

Lesso's POV:

I laughed so hard when Clarissa realised what I had said. I just couldn't help it, I knew her reaction would be priceless. I can't believe she likes me and that she was the one to initiate our first kiss! This week truly has been crazy. First Rafal, now this. Wait shit! Clarissa doesn't know about him, or what he did to me. Should I tell her? I mean if we are going to be a couple I should tell her. But I don't want to drag her into a dangerous situation. That's when I felt a pair of warm hands hold the sides of my face. 

"What's wrong? You look concerned." Dovey softly said, I looked at her warm, inviting eyes and immediately stopped worrying. She was here, with me. Just the two of us. 

"Clarissa, I need to tell you something. Please don't get mad." I pleaded.

"Is this about Rafal?" She replied calmly. 

"How do you know!?" I asked raising my voice slightly. How long has she known, what does she know? Did he threaten her?!

"Calm down, Leonora. I came to apologise for ordering you to tell me the other day and found you crying in the hallway. You mentioned Rafal and I ran off"

"You spied on me, again?!" I didn't mean to get angry but the thought of Clarissa becoming involved in something this dangerous was killing me. I stood up and started pacing. Dovey sat still in the seat, watched me walk up and down the room whilst my thoughts ran wild. "Clarissa, you don't know how dangerous he is and now you have gotten involved. He could hurt you! Why would you do such a thing. It was stupid and reckless. We need to put a protective spell on your room immediately and you're to stay there till I deal with him!"

Clarissa chuckled before standing up and walking close to me. "Leonora, I apologise for spying on you, but I will not be a prisoner in my own room! I want to help, yes that may annoy you but we have a better chance of succeeding if we work together!"

"Hmph..." I stopped in my tracks, looking at her, a small grin appearing on my face "We'll see about that..." I had thought of the perfect way of keeping her safe whilst also being able to keep an eye on both her and Sophie.

"Leonora, what are you planning?" Clarissa asked seeming concerned and slightly worried.

Dovey's POV:

She was giving me that 'I have a plan but you won't like it' look, along side a small grin. 

"Nothing yet but I wasn't kidding about us needing to go teach our classes. Come on" Lesso stated, gesturing for me to follow her. I followed eagerly behind her. Feeling very pleased she did not lock me in there for my own 'safety'. I know Rafal is an extraordinarily dangerous man but I am the best Fairy Godmother to ever come out of this school. Lesso does not know what I am capable of, yet. 

I followed Lesso through the halls. However, I was not paying attention to the dark hallways, the decorations, the cobwebs or the cracks in the walls. My focus was on her. The way her hips swung from side to side when she walked. How her hands fall perfectly by her side when she walks. How long her fingers were, and how the rings that decorated her fingers matched her silver talons. Without her coat on, I could see all her curves. She was mesmerising to watch. I swear I could watch her forever and not get bored. 

"You finished staring yet?" She asked still not facing me, we had stopped.

"How did you know I was staring?"

"Magic!" She chuckled, as she spun around dramatically. I stopped staring and realised we were at the front door of Evil's castle. Ugh I was hoping the walk would be longer. I enjoyed being in her company. I really didn't want to leave, but I had too. I was about to give her a hug goodbye when she stopped me with her arm and shouted at the student's lingering in the entrance "CLASSES NOW!" She turned around and hugged me so hard, I couldn't breathe. I didn't mind though, wasn't any different to wearing a corset. "Have a good afternoon Clarissa" She smiled before I started to walk across the halfway bridge which instantly got warmer the closer to Good's castle I got. I could feel Lesso's eyes on me the entire walk on the bridge. I don't know how I am going to be able to think straight, whilst teaching for the next few hours with her on my mind.

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Hope you are having a wonderful day and if not, I hoped this chapter helped. 



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