Chapter 14

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Dovey's Pov:

Oh no! I'm a doll. This truly is the work of someone evil. Sophie watched us for a while creepily smiling. "Must rush I have a ball to get to" and with that, she was gone. Leaving Leonora and I in doll form alone. I couldn't make out what Leonora was saying, so I didn't bother with attempting to reply, as she wouldn't be able to hear me. Anyway, a teacher or student would pass through soon and help return us to our normal forms soon enough.

 I don't understand how Agatha can still see the good in Sophie. She's completely evil, or is it just Rafal who is making her like this? Talking about Rafal and his lure on students, how did I not realise Leonora used to love him? Maybe she still does? No! She loves me, I'm her dove.  So why did she not tell me about all this, or that she used to live in Gavaldon. No wonder she's had it out for Sophie since day one. She must be trying to avoid thinking about her past. Sophie does talk a lot about Gavaldon. It must have brought up some memories for Leonora that she hasn't thought about for a while.

I can understand why Leonora didn't want the students and teachers to know that she was a reader. I mean she has a reputation to uphold, but she could have told me though. I wouldn't have judged. If anything I admire her more. It's difficult for readers to accomplish what she has done with her life. Most readers fail or become henchmen/talking animals or objects, after their time here. She truly is an amazing woman. To overcome someone like Rafal, takes guts. I don't know the details but I imagine he manipulated her for his own uses, kind of what he's doing to Sophie. Ugh, I hate Rafal for what he has done to Leonora. No wonder her walls are up so high and drinks a lot to relax.

I'm glad we have each other though, I hope that one day I can help her with anything and everything she may need and ensure she's happy. Even though Nevers aren't supposed to get happy ever afters I know we are the exception. She deserves a happy ending, regardless of whether it's with me or not. I hope that once Rafal is sorted out, the Headmaster will allow our relationship. I want to serenade her with my love and show her off to the world. Protecting her at any cost, ensuring she knows she is loved and cared about every day. 

I heard a commotion from behind me, a crowd of Ever boys burst through the door. Tedros was leading them of course.

"Professor Dovey, Lady Lesso! oh my gosh. What has that witch done to you?" Tedros picked me up gently, which caused Lesso to start shouting. Even though no one could understand her "Don't worry, your coming too" Tedros reassured as he picked Lesso up. He placed us on the library table placing us next to each other, our hands touching. "Sophie must be stopped. We are heading over to storm evil's castle and stop her for good!" His confidence scared me and I knew that what they were about to do was wrong. I tried to shout at them to stop but of course, they couldn't understand me. "Don't worry Professor, we will be safe and our school will be back to normal soon." His band of merry men ran after him as Leonora and I were once again left to ourselves in the library,

30 minutes earlier...

Lesso's Pov:

Sophie glared at us proudly as Clarissa and I stood there stuck as dolls on the floor. "Must rush I have a ball to get to" She gleamed. 


"Clarissa?" I spoke as I looked at my love who was now fifteen centimeters tall. She was still as gorgeous as normal but her face seemed off. The position she was frozen in was definitely a worried expression. There was no response. "Clarissa!" I shouted hoping for any kind of acknowledgment she was okay. Nothing. 

What if she doesn't love me now that she knows I'm a reader and from Gavaldon at that? You can't really get a lamer background more than that. Why would the best fairy godmother ever to come out of this school want to love a failed evil reader, from Gavaldon, who used to love the evilest man in the entire universe? No wonder she's not talking to me, I don't really want to talk to myself after that exposure. I knew Rafal would come and ruin what little happiness  I had in my life. I just never imagined it would be accomplished through a first-year student, from Gavaldon. Ugh, I hate Gavaldon. Nothing good came out of that town for me. From the moment Rafal whisked me away from there. My life became marginally better until he ruined it again.  

I was just about to try and talk to Clarissa again when Tedros and his band of fanboys bustled in.

"Professor Dovey, Lady Lesso! oh my gosh. What has that witch done to you?" He questioned as he picked Clarissa up.


Tedro glanced my way and chuckled "Don't worry you are coming too" Tedros reassured. He picked me up by my hair and I was not impressed. However, he did put Clarissa and I on the table together. Our hands touching. I instantly felt calmer touching her, even if we were both dolls.

"Sophie must be stopped. We are heading over to storm evil's castle and stop her for good!" He declared, this seemed to rattle Clarissa who started shouting at them. Both Tedros and I couldn't understand her  "Don't worry Professor, we will be safe and our school will be back to normal soon." I watched as the group ran off, Clarissa still shouting at them. Maybe she didn't understand me, that's why she didn't reply when I called her name.

Another twenty minutes passed us.  I tried everything I could to rid Clarissa and I of this spell. However, being a doll limited my abilities and as a result, I failed. We were still dolls. Out of nowhere, a rumbling sounded. Books fell off shelves. Shelves broke. The ground was shaking. What was happening?! Oh no Rafal got what he wanted! He's destroying the school and as Emma predicted killing everyone inside. Clarissa! "CLARISSA!" I yelled repeatedly hoping she had better ideas of how we could survive this.  I watched the ceiling begin to crack, bits of dust and concrete falling everywhere. One larger bit hit the table and launched Clarissa and I into a corner of the room. Clarissa's head landed on a pointy rock! NO!!!!!! Red appeared on her doll form. NO! This couldn't be happening. I landed a few feet away, with no harm to my doll exterior. "Clarissa!!!" I screamed begging, she was okay. No reply. I couldn't move, I couldn't stop this. I couldn't help her. I was useless. I sat there watching as the School I'd grown up in and worked in for the majority of my life broke down. I waited for the inevitable destruction and murder of me to happen.  I looked up at the one piece of remaining ceiling, it was over me. It shook and slowly fell...

It stopped about a few inches away from my doll face. What? That was supposed to kill me. I looked around the room. The pieces of ceiling that fell were going back to their original places in the ceiling. Books flew to the now unbroken shelves. The table put itself back together. I stood up as I watched in awe at what I was seeing happen in front of me. Wait, I'm standing at my normal height. Rafal had been stopped!

"Clarissa?!" I shouted as I rushed over to a now normal human-sized Clarissa. 

"It's okay Leonora, I'm okay" She reassured me as I wrapped my arms around her tightly, never wanting to let go. I stepped back to help her up and assess her head wound. 

"Being a doll, somehow saved my life. It's only a small scratch Leonora, calm down" She said as she watched me overthinking about her injury. "Now should we find out what is happening and stop our schools from killing each other."

"Yes, let's go." We marched over to my castle and met a few other faculty members on the way. Who also met the same fate as us. As we flung evil's hall door open we were met with "Good and Evil together? One school. Now what?" I asked as I watched in fascination at both school's students chat and get along together. 

"Unity, perhaps." Clarissa widely smiled "Maybe partnership even?"

We turned to face one other, both with smiles on our faces. As we stepped toward each other I couldn't help but kiss Clarissa. She reciprocated it and soon it became a passionate kiss, one we both deserved. That was before Emma coughed, too regain our attention. We stepped back laughing. Luckily the students were too busy getting to know one another to notice our kiss.

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{1545 Words}

Author Note: Not the end of the book! Lot's more to come :)


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