Chapter 12

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Dovey's POV:

The next few weeks passed quickly. During the day Leonora and I would teach our lessons, and go to meetings. In the evenings we would do a couple of things like go on evening strolls in the gardens or get blackout drunk if it had been a stressful day. Our evenings together had become my favorite part of the day. I loved seeing Leonora relaxed, freely laughing, and smiling when she wanted to.

It was a Wednesday, just before lunch when Lesso came to my office to walk me to lunch. This had become quite a traditional, daily thing recently and I loved it. KNOCK! KNOCK!

"Come in" I cheerfully smiled as I knew who it would be. The golden door opened and as if on cue Leonora strolled through, cane in hand. A small smile appeared on her face when she saw me sat at my desk. "Isn't it a bit warm for a coat?" I questioned.

"As much as you would love me to strip right now, no I won't" She replied in a jokingly seductive tone. She leaned over my desk and placed a kiss on my lips.

"Worth a try" I smirked, before standing up, getting my staff, and linking arms with a patiently waiting Leonora.

Once we exited my office her beautiful smile rapidly disappeared as a student rushed up to me and explained "There's a fight in the lunch hall, come quick"

"Thank you, we will deal with this" I gave Lesso a concerned look before we speedily made our way there. The student wasn't wrong. Nevers and Evers were at each other's throats, both boys and girls.

"STOP IT!" Lady Lesso shouted, glaring at every single one of the students who instantly stopped at the sound of her voice, slowly turning to see her. Ugh, I love how intimidating she can be and how much power that voice has. "Would one of you like to explain?"

Beatrice stepped out "Sophie spent all day with Tedros, that's not allowed they are not allowed to be a couple" Why is she always so moany, she may have eyes for the Prince but that doesn't mean he has eyes for her. I watched as Lesso rolled her eyes in frustration.

"Sophie, Tedros come with us" She barked.

"Where are we taking them?" I whispered.

"They are an Ever/Never couple, we need to take them to the headmaster. He will know what to do with them." She coldly replied.

"But we are an Ever/Never couple" I whispered worriedly.

Lesso did not respond but just kept walking in complete silence. Every now and then I would glance up at her face to try and see what she was thinking. All I found was a cold slate, no emotion to be found anywhere. Once we reached the headmasters' tower and explained the situation to him. He immediately called an all-faculty meeting. Every teacher was there, both Good and Evil. I sat opposite Lesso, who now seemed annoyed. Not at me, but in general.

Sophie and Tedros walked in towards the end of the table, hand in hand. Both smiling widely.

"Today we are here to discuss the relationship of an Ever and a Never. Now you do understand that this is against the rules and could impact the balance between Good and Evil?" The Headmaster declared.

"Yes Sir" Tedros stated.

"I do" Sophie softly said gazing into Tedros' eyes. They did make a weirdly cute couple, but I guess that's what others would think of Lesso and I so I can't judge.

"What about the balance?" I asked

"Thank you. An ever and never can't be together it's re- "Lesso glanced quickly at me "Repulsive" ouch that hurt. Did she really mean that?

"We will deal with that afterward, if it is meant to be it is meant to be" The Headmaster explained "Well then if you two wish to proceed with your relationship, you will have to take the trial by tale" A few gasps could be heard from my faculty at the thought of first years doing this trial.

"I accept these terms" Tedros gallantly declared.

Sophie looked towards us worriedly "Umm... what's a trial by tale?"

Whack! Lesso's cane hit Professor Manely who instantly moved backward.

"A trial by Tale is when one Ever and one Never spend a night in the Blue forest. They enter at either end and must find each other and survive the terrors that are in there. If they both are alive and with each other in the morning, they are allowed to continue their courtship" Lesso explained.

"And help?"

"Strictly forbidden" Lesso stated, I could have sworn it sounded like she was happy that Sophie had to go in there.

"I accept" Sophie responded as she smiled up at Tedros.

"Then so be it, tomorrow evening the trial by tale will take place" The Headmaster declared as he dismissed us.

I walked after Lesso, who still hadn't said anything to me. She had just entered her castle when I grabbed her wrist and dragged her to a dark area in a corridor. I pushed her towards the wall. "What the hell was that about?" I yelled.

"Language Princess" She smirked.

"Oh so now you're talking to me?!"

"What did you want me to say?! Sophie and Tedros should not be a couple because I actually do find them repulsive! Yet me being in love with an Ever is okay because she's the dean of Good, and Good can do nothing wrong?!"

"You love me?" I softly asked, really wishing what I had heard was true.

"Yes, yes I do. I don't know how but yes" She looked worried with that sentence.

"AHHH!!!" I screamed in excitement "I love you too!!!" I wrapped my arms around her and went in for a kiss. It was oh so wildly passionate, the way our tongues intertwined with one another's was mind-spinning. The way we just became one entity for a few moments, forgetting all our daily worries, was perfect. I pulled back for a second confused "So why were you ignoring me earlier?"

"I didn't want the faculty knowing about us because then we would have to do a trial by tale" She truthfully explained.

"Could you imagine what the students would think?" I laughed and Leonora joined in. Lesso's head snapped to her left. I followed her gaze, she was watching a dark figure. That's when my hand randomly started getting extremely hot. I looked down. Leonora's finger was bright and fire was starting.

"Leave me alone you bastard!" She shouted, marching towards it, her hand now completely lit with fire. Leaving me stood where she was confused. She threw a fireball at it and the figure disappeared instantly. She slumped against the wall slowly, head in hand, her legs bent. I hurried over and joined her on the floor.

"Do you want to explain what that was?" I quietly asked as I intertwined my warm hand into her now cold one.

"Can I stay at your castle tonight?" She quietly asked.

"Of course, come on let's go" I helped her up and we were soon in my room.

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{1190 Words}

Author note: Sorry for the late post I had a migraine, so two parts out today :)


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