Chapter 17

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Lesso's POV:

As I slowly woke up, I could feel someone moving about. Which was moving my head "Clarissa stop moving, I was comfy before you started moving" I complained moving more back onto her lap, my eyes still shut.

"Lady Lesso, you might want to move" Clarissa quietly said, sounding concerned. Wait since when does she call me my title when it's just us two?

"But I was warm, and your lap is soft!" I heard snickers come from somewhere but didn't think much of it.

"Lesso, open your eyes right now" Clarissa demanded.

"What did I tell you I would do to you if you told me what to do again?" I warned, whilst sitting up. My eyes opened abruptly at the sounds of giggling. Oh, fuck!

Standing around us was every single student. They were smiling, laughing, mocking, and gossiping. I slowly stood up in last night's dress, it was now very wrinkled, but I didn't care. However, I immediately regretted that when the hangover headache hit me. I took in a deep breath before saying "You all probably have a lot of questions. They will be answered in an assembly at 2 pm. For now, lessons are canceled. Don't talk to me or Professor Dovey till then, got it?"

I gave Clarissa a hand up and we stood tall as we exited the hall. As soon as the doors shut behind us, we could hear an abundance of conversations. All, of course, about us. A relationship between the Dean of Evil and Good, how scandalous.

"How long were you awake before I did that?" I asked as we walked up the stairs together. Both of us looked hungover and a complete mess.

"About a minute but I didn't know what to say, so I froze" Clarissa replied, looking embarrassed "We may have to do it, they know now"

"If it comes to a trial, which I really hope it doesn't, we will be prepared and face it like everyone before us. The difference is, we will win." I put my arm around her in an attempt to comfort her and myself. I mean the students and teachers now know so why should we hide it anymore?

"Until then, I suggest we sleep this off on a bed. So, we have at least some energy, to answer their many questions."

I nodded in agreement before holding the door open for Clarissa.


The time flew and when we eventually woke up, we were slightly more with it and awake.

"Hey, there sleepy," Clarissa's soft voice said as my eyes opened to see her laying next to me.

"Hey, beautiful ready to face the music?" I replied as I watched my beauty get up and get changed.

"Yeah. I guess I was just hoping that we could have been a secret for a little longer."

"Yeah, I know but once we sort this out. The stigma will be over soon and the students will find someone else to gossip about" I assured as I reluctantly got out of bed and changed into one of my suits.

"You're right, now we better get going before someone comes to get us".

"Not before you give me a kiss" I smiled as Clarissa skipped towards me and planted a long kiss on my lips.

We linked arms the entire walk down to the hall until we reached the door. "I want to hold your hand when we get in there, please" Clarissa pleaded, I moved my hand into hers and held it tight. At the moment, the only thing keeping us both together was our hands. I could tell we were both extremely worried. I took a deep breath in before opening the door, we entered tall and as a united front. As we walked through the hall, Nevers and Evers sat next to each other gossiping and shouting random nonsense at us as we strode through the hall. It was a little intimidating to see all the glares and disapproving looks from almost everyone in the room. Once we reached the stage we found two seats which we swiftly sat on. As I looked around the hall, nerves grew in my stomach. It felt like a battle was happening. All I wanted to do was get out of there, but I kept a strong and confident face on and waited.

Anemone stood up and walked into the center of the hall. "We are gathered here today to question and find a suitable solution to the relationship between Professor Dovey and Lady Lesso. Now for as long as time can remember, Evers and Nevers have been banned from having relations as it could cause untold consequences. Today we are here to look beyond that and rule justly on what conclusions we find. First questioner come up".

"Thanks, Professor." Tedros smiled as he made his way to the center. His face showed a lot of anger, confusion, and smugness "First question, how long have you been together?"

"Just under two months, give or take" I calmly responded as a cacophony of gasps was made.

"So, you two were together when I wanted to be together with Sophie?" He barked.

Clarissa looked over at me.


"Okay, who's next" Anemone quickly said as she ushered a red-faced Tedros out of the center.

"Me" A voice cackled; I knew that cackle anywhere. Hester strolled into the middle a smirk slapped across her face. Oh no.

"I have a question for Professor Dovey or should I call you Lesso's little dove or Lesso's Good Girl?" She mocked before starting to laugh a bunch of other students joined in. My blood started to boil. How dare she mock me! I'm her superior! Anger fuelled my body until Dovey placed her hand on my leg, which calmed me down.

"What's your question dear?" Clarissa calmly spoke, not seeming to care about the nicknames.

"What was Lesso doing to you that was so good that you were mmm mm-moaning her name?" She did a surprisingly decent interpretation of Clarissa moaning. Wait she heard all that? Oh my god, she must have waited outside the door!

"I am not answering that!" Clarissa huffed, her face going slightly red from embarrassment.

"Okay, Okay! I don't think it's fair that you two can have an Ever/Never relationship and not have any consequences. I know you're the Deans but rules are still rules."

"And what do you propose our consequence should be," I asked, raising my eyebrow slightly.

"A TRIAL BY TALE!" Some Ever girl called. There were a lot of supportive remarks to this statement. Dammit! I was hoping we could avoid this.

"What are the terms of this trial?"

"Same as Sophie and mine's. You get one weapon of your choice each, no help is allowed. You will have the option to leave but if you do, your relationship will be no more. However, you can't see each other before the beginning of the trial. Do you accept?" Tedros barked.

"I accept" Clarissa quickly stated as she stood up. Wait what?

"Clarissa?" I whispered, "Why are you so eager?"

"The sooner we get this over with the sooner we get to be together for real. I want us to be an us more than anyone can ever imagine so yes I accept."

"I also accept" I sighed.

"So be it. The trial will take place this evening. Until then, you will remain locked in your rooms till it's time" Someone chimed, I wasn't paying attention to who it was. As I wrapped my arms around Clarissa, it could be the last time I see her alive. I was roughly dragged away by two of my mutts. They will seriously regret that later.

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{1308 Words}

Author note: Shorter chapter this time. Hope you enjoy :)


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