Chapter 32

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Lesso's POV:

I rushed past students, and teachers as I strode through the halls and up staircases. It was only when I entered my classroom that I leaned against the now-closed door and breathed.

"Did you get caught?" I jumped at the unexpected voice until I realized it was Tedros. He was sitting at a desk with a cheeky smile on his face. I rolled my eyes and instead of answering, I walked into the back of the classroom where I had prepared a cauldron and some ingredients earlier.  Tedros followed me and asked "I don't blame you for spending your time wisely but make sure you leave some time to get dressed properly" He notioned to my shirt. I had forgotten to do the top three buttons up and my tie wasn't straight. I quickly did them up and straightened my tie, as I glared at the chuckling prince.

"Don't test me Tedros. I am happy to do this alone and send you down to the doom room with the Cyclops" I warned.

"You need me for whatever it is we are doing but okay I'll behave," Tedros said picking up some thorn roots and inspecting them "What exactly is it we're doing?"

"We aren't doing anything. You are going to help me kill the headmistress." I replied as I went to a cupboard and brought out an old dusty book. 

"You want me to kill Raina?" He looked surprised before his face dropped "How am I doing it?"

"In here are my recipes for anything and everything about killing people and some other things. I will teach you how to do every one of them. Then you will go to her and pretend that you are having a crisis of some sort. Once you gain her trust you will kill her." I grinned at the idea of her being buried six feet underground.

"Remind me again why you can't do this?" He asked, looking at the book "You seem to be an expert with this."

"She has leverage over me, meaning that I have to behave, but you don't"

"Isn't it breaking the rules if I kill someone before graduation?"

"Not if you're going to end up saving the school and even if you do get expelled. You will be prepared for the real world and you can then can go searching for Agatha. It's a win-win situation."

"Okay, I'm in. What's first?"

"You need to memorize the entire book, for today just the poisons chapters. Once you know everything in there I can teach you how to make it." I said, looking at his disappointed face.

"The entire book?"

"It's not that hard now start reading, I need to research something and I can't have you complaining the whole time." I went over to my personal collection of books and searched for the transformations one. I had to admit it had been years since I needed to do anything from this type of magic so I was pretty rusty on the subject.

I blew the dust off the evil mogrification book placed it on my desk and sat down. I had a notebook to the side of me that every now and then I'd write helpful notes in. Mogrifications had never interested me and having to relearn it was extremely boring but I promised Clarissa that I'd help Hort so I continued through the boredom and kept reading. Although I learned it when I was a student, I had never actually tried practically doing it, so this would be interesting.

However, as I reached the nocturnal animals chapter it did give me an idea. If I learned to turn into a bat, I could get around the having to stay at my castle thing. No one would see me leave or return, including Raina. Yes, that may work. That would be my loophole. 

I turned the book pages until I found the bat page. The book said I would need a pinch of anise, a finger, two crushed bay leaves, a bat wing plucked from an alive bat and a large vial of moonlit rainwater. I'd need to add the decaying tooth to the potion once the liquid was bubbling. The book said it should turn dark green if correctly made. Once I drank that and turned. I would be able to change into a bat whenever I wanted. Meaning that I could see Clarissa whenever I wanted. From memory, I had the majority of those ingredients stored in my cupboard for a rainy day.

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