Chapter 18

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Lesso's POV:

"Where are you taking me dog?" I shout, struggling to get out of the wolves' grip. The only response I got was a low growl.

"Lady Lesso will you stop moving!" One of them barked, tightening its grip on my arm.

"Don't forget that you work for me. Now tell me where I am going or I will set your fur alight" I snapped. At this point I wasn't even walking, my feet were dragging along the floor. I don't think they minded, as they didn't have to walk in heels to wherever our destination was.

"We've been instructed to take you somewhere safe" One wolf explained, from t.

"So you're imprisoning me in the doom room great. Why couldn't you just lock me in my room?" I huffed as they opened the doom room door and practically threw me in.

"You're evil, we don't do comfort" The door slammed shut.

I bet this was Emma's idea to put me in here. Don't get me wrong I love my doom room but only when I'm torturing someone. When it's just you in a dark, silent, and cold room it's very isolated and lonely. At least my favorite weapons are in here so I can choose which one to bring into the trial and practice beforehand. That gives me something to do for the next four hours. I grabbed my sharpest axe, which was last used on Sophie, and swung it around. Hmm, it's a tad heavy to be lugging around the blue forest.

I looked at my other weapons, well normally torture devices, they all seemed wrong for this trial. Like how am I supposed to use a whip in the trial? The same was for the maces and axes, they were either too heavy to carry around or not appropriate for this situation. I sat up against a wall, thinking about the events that would occur next. Could Clarissa and I really make it the night? What if she gets hurt, or worse? No, I can't allow that to happen. I must find her quickly and then protect her. I need to do whatever it takes to ensure she lives.

The cold started to take over my body and I started to shiver. Sitting alone shivering in here reminded me a lot of when I was a student and spent a considerable proportion of my time in there. Not by choice obviously but it was a weekly occurrence. I do not miss being a student, and all that unnecessary pressure to be popular. Ugh, I'm glad that phase of my life has gone. Having false hope about getting my own story, what an idiot. The most I will get is a side character, not because I haven't tried. Fate just doesn't like me. At least Clarissa got to be an important character in many fairy tales. Her determination to see the best in people is admirable and it is frustratingly annoying how often she is helping people. Nonetheless, I may find her good values irritating and a little over the top but I do love her. All of her. I wonder where she's being kept prisoner?

Dovey's POV:

"I'm sorry about this Clarissa" Emma said

"I understand but thank you for bringing me to the library, it gives me something to do" I smiled.

"Well I should get going, see you soon"

"Before you go" I called "Where's Lesso being held?"

"I shouldn't tell you but I will if you promise to stay here"

"Of course, I will, I just want to know she's okay"

"She's in the doom room, I will see you later. Don't do anything stupid" Emma said before locking the door behind her.

That's not fair. I get to be locked in a room of my choice and comfort, yet she has to stay in a cold, damp room alone. Hmm. Not on my watch. I searched the room for all the books which contained the previous trials by tales in. There were only two and they both failed. Sophie and Tedros' one was obvious, they didn't love each other situation. However, the other one was between an Ever girl and a Never boy. They seemed inseparable. So what was it that made them fail? As I read on I found that although they made it through the majority of the night. However, when they were trying to defeat the last challenge the boy missed a spell and it hit the girl, which killed her. Oh my, that's awful and not useful.

I felt a breeze hit my shoulders. None of the doors were open so where was it coming from? That's when I looked up at the second-floor window and noticed it still hadn't been fixed since Agatha ran through it trying to escape from the cupid gargoyle. Hmm, I wonder...

I glanced at the time, I had two hours before I would be collected. Now I know Emma said don't be stupid or go anywhere but I need to see Leonora and make sure she's okay. I morphed into my dove and flew out the window. I flew under the bridge as I crossed to avoid being spotted. I flew further toward the bottom of the castle and its rock. I found the small window which led to the doom room and inside was Leonora sitting against a wall, completely zoned out. I tapped the window three times with my beak, which made her jump. She quickly walked towards the window and opened it.

"What are you doing here?!" She whispered loudly. I squeezed through the bars and transformed back into my normal form when I was in the room.

"I needed to see you. Plus, it probably gets lonely down here by yourself" I explained as I gave her a well-needed hug. I tightened my arms.

"Hey, dove."


"I can't breathe"

"Oops sorry" I loosened my grip and she caught her breath.

"Where were you imprisoned?" She enquired

"Well, originally my room but I asked for the library."

"Of course you got to be trapped somewhere nice, see I told you that Good gets all the best things!" She complained.

"If I hadn't asked I wouldn't have been able to get to you. What would you prefer, me being here or not?" I snapped back.

"I'm sorry. This room does things to a person, especially when that said person spent a lot of time as a student in here alone"


"That's for another time. Now you were in the library, you must have found something useful out."

"Not really, there's only ever been two trials. Tedros and Sophie, and another one ages ago, which ended with the Never boy accidentally killing the ever girl with a spell which went wrong." I sighed.

"So what you're telling me is that we are going in blind." Leonora said as she started to pace up and down "Great, why do all the happy things in my life get ruined before they even really begin!? I mean first my childhood, then the whole Rafal thing, and now you're being taken from me" I watched as Leonora's fist started to ball and her pacing quickened.

I stood in front of her, to prevent any more pacing. "Stop pacing, okay?"

"Okay" She replied as I put my hands in hers and looked into her worried eyes.

"I am not going to be taken from you. Nor will you from me. We are going to go into the Blue Forest with our heads held high and beat the trial. I know we can do this because it's us and unlike the previous contenders of the trial. We are adults and have a lot more experience than they did. We know what we are doing! You are The Lady Lesso! And I'm the best Fairy Godmother ever! If we can't beat this no one can!" I got a little bit overly motivated with my speech and was almost shouting at it. Leonora just stared at me; I couldn't read what she was thinking. "Now come here and give me a hug".

Leonora swiftly made her way over to me and wrapped her arms around me. The embrace felt correct and memorable. It was a moment in which I never wanted to leave but nevertheless, I must. I tried to move away but Leonora's arms gripped me stronger.

"A couple more minutes please" She whispered.

"Okay dear, but after then I have to go".

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{1411 Words}

Author note: This is more of a filler chapter, lots of excitement to come!


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