Chapter 16

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Dovey's POV:

By the time I had finished getting into my favorite ballgown and letting my hair loose, to fall on my shoulders. I made my way back to the hall to see how the Never faculty were getting on with the decorations. As I walked through the large black doors, I was met with a large banner that read '1st Annual Ever/Never Ball'. It was a beautiful black and gold banner and represented Evers and Nevers perfectly. As expected, Emma was bossing all the teachers about, making sure the decorations and food were in the correct place. It did look wonderful there were table decorations, flowers, special lighting, and a lot more. It looked perfect and I couldn't wait for everyone to arrive. Especially Leonora. Where is she? It doesn't take that long to get ready. I hope she loosens up tonight and has fun. It is a celebration of our success after all. I know she cares about her reputation but even evil has to have fun at some point, right?

"You look amazing Clarissa" Emma complimented as she approached me "You look beautiful too, and this ball will look and be amazing because of you".

"I know" She stated proudly as she looked around at her hard work "Now tell me about Lesso and yourself?"

"Not much to tell, we love each other and care deeply about each other. I know it's against the rules and could have serious consequences but it just feels so right. So inevitable."

"You really love her, don't you?" Emma sounded surprised but happy.

"Yes, I do. I love everything about her."

"I'm happy for you Clarissa, just be careful." Emma hugged me before checking her wristwatch "ooh it's time to open the doors. I hope your lover turns up soon".

After turning the music on, Emma and I made our way to the door where we welcomed all the students into the ball. After ten solid minutes of "Wow you look amazing" and "welcome to the ball," all the students and teachers had arrived, except Leonora. I wonder where she has got to.

I was impressed though; everyone wore their best suits and ballgowns. Both Evers and Nevers. Students and teachers. They seemed to be getting along as well. Many Nevers and Evers were dancing together in the middle of the room. Even the students that weren't dancing, were getting to know each other by talking at the sides. I watched the students and teachers having fun as I grabbed myself a drink from the punch bowl. Everyone was having a great time. I looked at the time. The ball started thirty minutes ago. Where was Lesso? What if something happened to her? I should go find her yes.

"Don't leave yet, she will show" Emma said as she sat down on the chair next to me. That's when I started getting hot.

"Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?" I asked Emma.

"It is getting hot in here. Wait what's that?" Emma asked as she pointed at something creeping from the sides It looked like smoke. The Smoke crept across the hall floor covering the entire floor, I could barely see my own feet anymore.

"What on earth is going on?" I shout as the music turned up in volume. I jumped as the fire from the candles flew up creating large flames. The ever girls screamed and stood behind the Nevers who seemed to not be worried about the smoke and fire one bit. Wait!

The doors flew open, moving the smoke to the sides. Stood tall was Leonora!? She grinned as she watched everyone's eyes on her shocked. She glided across the hall, in a regal manner toward me. I could hear a few whispers from around me. Leonora moved her fingers and the smoke instantly disappeared, the music returned to its original volume, and the candles were back to their normal glow. She. She looked "Stunning".

"Why thank you, Clarissa. You look very beautiful yourself" She complimented with a smooth voice. The way she was presenting herself made her look like a Queen. She walked and acted like one too. "Please may I ask for a dance, Clarissa" she enquired, holding her hand out.

"Yes." I placed my hand in hers and she led me to the dance floor. My heart fluttered as I looked into her perfect blue eyes. We placed our hands in the positions and she led. At first, we moved in synchrony till she spun me out and back in. Holding me close. As if on cue, the music turned slow and she placed her arms around my waist pulling me in closer. I placed my arms around her neck.

"Did I make a good enough entrance for you?" She smiled, knowing she did.

"I wouldn't call it Good, evil. I thought something was on fire, and then I saw you in this and realized it was because you're so hot" I blushed looking down at her ball gown "I don't remember seeing this in your closet"

"That's because this hidden gem was stored elsewhere and I'm glad you didn't see it. That face you have right now from seeing me in this is the reason why I wore it."

"Thank you for coming. I know events like this aren't your normal scene" I smiled.

"When everyone's eyes are on us like they are right now, I love to be at these events. I just haven't been to one in a while. That's all"

I looked around, she wasn't wrong. Everyone was looking at us. That's when I had a thought.

"Shall we give them a reason to watch us?" I smirked. Leonora fully understood what I meant as she spun me out and back in. Landing us in a kiss, which progressed quickly to be way more than a peck on the lips. As she helped me back up, we walked to the table of punch. The hall was silent, confused. "What are you looking at?" Leonora shouted, causing them all to return to what they were doing before she arrived.

I giggled in response "You know they are just curious about us. Let them watch and talk. Makes life more interesting".

"You're not wrong, here have a drink" Leonora passed me a glass of punch and got herself one. We both took a large sip. Big mistake, it had been spiked. Our throats burned as straight vodka entered our systems.

"Why am I not surprised it has been spiked" Leonora laughed, taking another sip and downing it.

"Slow down there, I don't want to carry you back to your room later." I laughed.

"I'm not the one who can't hold her liquor, now I thought we were supposed to be having fun? Come one let's drink".

The rest of the evening was a success Leonora was drunk and having fun. It's the first time she has not given one fuck about what people think of her and it showed she was talking to also drunk students and even dancing randomly by herself. She even got some more of her liquor supply and shared it with the students. It was truly a spectacle to have seen.

Emma ushered everyone out of the hall at one am. Leonora and I were both slumped in two seats at this point. "This has been one of the best nights of my night, Clarissa." Leonora slurred as she took another sip of her drink.

"Me too, Lessssoo. I Love being with you" I slurred in response.

"EMMA!" Leonora called with a smile as Emma walked unhappily towards us.

"You two are so drunk! Can you two even walk?"

"Yess. We can!" I replied standing up but immediately falling into Leonora's lap.

"I'm glad you two had fun, just remember you're the deans and have responsibilities. Have a good night" She lectured before walking out of the hall leaving Leonora and I together in the hall.

"Come on Dove. We're going to yours" Leonora said trying to remain stood upright.

"Let's goo" We linked arms and shuffled like a drunk couple through Evil's halls and across the bridge.

"Wait these shoes are killing me. I need to take them off" Leonora complained.

I took mine off too as I was beginning to get a lot of pain in my feet too. We slowly made our way over the rest of the bridge, shoes in our hands. Once inside we couldn't face the stairs between us and my room so we settled for a bit of wall in the hall. We lay there exhausted, the excitement and adrenaline of the night wearing off quickly. It wasn't long till we were passed out in each other's arms.

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Author note: two chapters in one day who knew it was possible? Enjoy:)


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