Chapter 33

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Skip ahead to Dovey's POV

Lesso's POV:

My stomach churned and felt like it wanted to explode. It had been three long hours since I drank the potion and the only thing that had happened was that I felt violently ill. I tried to spend this time doing more research but the constant stabbing pain in my gut and rising body temperature was distracting me severely. As hard as I tried to focus on the words in the book, they wouldn't stop moving about and I ended up reading the same sentence many times. In the end, I gave up and just sat in a chair zoned out.

I had made and drunk many potions over the years, but never had one made me feel like this. I just wanted to curl up in my bed and go to sleep but I couldn't. Cause at some point in the next four hours my bones would break and I couldn't let anyone hear my screams. If they did then they may catch onto what I was doing and then Raina would know and destroy Clarissa's magic as a punishment for not behaving like she wanted. That cannot happen! So I have to do this alone, in my classroom of all places. It was the furthest room in the school from any of the dormitories and although the doom room would have been better suited for this situation. It was currently in use so I had to deal with it here.  

I yawned as another half hour disappeared. I still felt horrible and was starting to wish I had never drunk that potion. I had to keep reminding myself who I was doing this for. I needed to see Clarissa, and I really wished she were here right now telling me that I'd be okay and that this pain would go away soon. She would be able to make this situation less painful. Once I could transform I can help Clarissa more easily, and gives me more opportunities to stop Raina. The thought of Clarissa, being returned to her normal magical self, temporarily distracted me from the rising heat of this potion. I was now down to my unbuttoned shirt and trousers, I was sweating out of everywhere and like I really needed a bath. That was when a sudden burning sensation swarmed up my arm. Crack!

"Ahhh!" I screamed out as I watched my femur break and snap out of my skin. Blood dripped out of the wound, creating a pool of blood on my clothes. It was a grotesque and painful scene which I would normally enjoy if it was someone else enduring it but alas it wasn't. "OW!Ow! Ow!" I yelled as the bone snapped back into its original position in my arm. Once the bone returned the only thing left to prove it happened was a long scabby scar on my arm.

My shoulder was the next to break and its pain was even worse than the first as it was multiple bones breaking. I couldn't hold back the agony anymore as my screams and cries flooded out of my body uncontrollably. My body twisted and turned ferociously as each bone broke one after the other. Not giving me a chance to recover or breathe in between. The tears stung more than normal and felt like acid melting my skin. When I had any oxygen entering my lungs, my screams echoed around the empty room as I slid off the chair and dropped to the floor. I had no control over my body anymore and the only movement happening was the bones breaking themselves, sticking out of my body, and snapping themselves back into place. 

Everything burned, the pain was constant, excruciating, and evermore increasing by the second. My body didn't have time to prepare for the next break and my breathing became even shallower. My ribs were the real killer as once they popped back into place, the agony grew even more as they took their sweet-ass time to fix themselves. My lungs struggled to intake air with the harsh movements of my ribs repairing themselves and it felt like I was being kicked there every time I moved.

It took two hours of agonizing torture before I started feeling slightly better. I had now become a bloody, tear-stained mess who was curled up on the hard, uncomfortable floor. Everything was sore and ruined.  I had no energy, no motivation, nothing was left in me as I lay there on the floor. At that moment I contemplated if dying was a suitable way of getting rid of the physical and mental pain and I concluded it would be. 

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