Chapter 37

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Lesso's POV:

"Drink this" Raina ordered placing a small bowl in the cage. Yep, you heard that right. Raina has trapped me in bat form and put me in a cage, unable to transform back into my normal form by choice. I've been in here for 2 hours! There is no way in hell I'm doing what she says after this. "Oh don't give me that stubborn attitude Nora. Do you really want to be a bat for the entire time I have you imprisoned?" 

No, of course, I didn't want to stay a bat. That doesn't mean I plan on staying captured for long though, so should I? If I drank it though, I would be obeying her stupid order and I despise being told what to do. My options were limited. I could either stay a bat or be humiliated as I drank from a bowl.

I sighed in defeat and embarrassment as I dropped down and stuck my tongue into the orange liquid. From the smell and the taste alone I could tell that whoever I would turn into, it would not be my normal body. Nevertheless, I had to drink the concoction.  It was the only way I'd be able to figure out what Raina was up to.

"Good Girl" Raina smirked as she watched me transform, how humiliating. The feeling started off as a tickling sensation in my foot but it travelled around my body quickly. It wasn't long before I started to grow, the cage became smaller and smaller as my body grew and became snug. When the transformation finished, I was squeezed tightly against the bars of the cage. 

"Raina. Get me out of this now!" I demanded. However, when I spoke my voice was much deeper and rougher than normal. Some would say it was a manly voice.

"And here I was thinking your voice couldn't get any more sexier" Raina chuckled. I glared at her hard, hoping my stare could kill her but it didn't. "Okay, Okay! Now, I will let you out" She almost skipped with glee over to the cage. She bent down and unlocked the cage in the most agonizingly long time ever. "There you go" She smiled opening the door. I almost fell out of the cage due to how cramped it was but I managed to regain my balance before embarrassing myself further. "You're welcome"

"Hmph" I replied, standing up in my new body. It felt extremely strange.

That's when Raina's clock chimed one. ONE! "I was supposed to go to Clarissa's at 10!" I mumbled to myself as I ran over to the window and looked out to Clarissa's window. Her light was still on! I watched as Clarissa glumly walked to her window and shut it. Before she left, she glanced up at the tower and looked horrified. Shit, she must have thought I was some kind of pervert that was watching her in her room.

"Poor Clarissa. She waited all night just to be disappointed by you" Raina remarked as she glided towards the window I was still staring out of. "And she just got used to sleeping in the same bed as you again. I bet she's crying alone in that bed. She must be so confused about what possibly could have been more important than her to you this evening"

Anger fuelled my body and made it increasingly hotter. I couldn't hold back anymore. I spun around and grabbed her by the throat. Despite my hands grasping her neck hard, she still smirked as I reduced the air in her lungs. This infuriated me more, she always had to have the last laugh. Raina's face became a fuschia color as I stared into her eyes, impatient to see her life drain out of her pathetic body. 

Raina still held a psychotic grin but then she did something expected.

She looked down. I followed her gaze and saw that purple light was moving from my body to the necklace in which Raina stored Clarissa's magic. I dropped her instantly and stepped back when I realized she was siphoning my magic.

She fell to the floor laughing in between her coughs and splutters for air. To say I was furious would be an understatement. Raina stole my love's magic and now she tried to get mine?!! Hell no! I turned and marched over to a desk stacked with papers and books on it. With all the might I could muster I pushed the desk over and threw the books and papers. That wasn't enough though, I stomped over to the bookshelf and pushed it over. The books went flying everywhere, causing an absolute mess. As I breathed deeply, trying to contain my anger I noticed my finger was a deep purple color. I was slightly relieved that I had my magic still but that doesn't mean I wasn't still extremely angry.

"You always were one for a temper tantrum weren't you?" Raina chuckled. God that chuckle was driving me insane and I would have loved to silence her but I can't fucking do that!  I turned around at her and had to stop myself from punching the shit out of her. 

"Why am I here?"

"I want your book"

"What book? I have quite a few, you remember I was a reader right?"I lied. I knew exactly which book she meant. But over my dead body was she going to get her hands on it.

"You know exactly which one" She snapped "Where is it?"

"It's in my room" I sighed, hoping she'd believe my lie.

"Don't bullshit me. I already checked there" She went into my room! 

I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know then"

"Let's see if I can jog your memory, shall we" She said, walking to the window, opening it. She yanked the necklace off and held it out of the window.

Shit! She wouldn't drop it, would she? Who am I kidding? Of course, she would! She loosened her grip on it and "Wait!" I shouted, rolling my eyes in disbelief about what I was about to do. How many times today was she going to make me do things I didn't want to do? "It's in the locked cupboard in my classroom"

I watched, stressed, as Raina brought her hand back in and tied it back around her neck. "See it wasn't that hard to tell the truth" She moved closer before whispering "If you are lying to me Leonora, I will do more damage to Clarissa than just destroy her magic" She quickly glared at me before fake smiling and said "I will check in the morning. Good Night, sleep well"

I stood there pissed off as Raina ascended the stairs and disappeared. I have had enough of being told what to do and being threatened! I am not staying in this tower! 'Sleep well' Yeah like that's going to happen. 

Once I was sure Raina wasn't there I ran over to the doors and tried to open them they were locked with magic. Great! What about the window? Surely I could transform and leave that way. I went over and tried to open it. Sealed by magic!!! Ugh. I was trapped again.

Nope, I am not letting her win. I am not going to just sit here bored like a "Good girl". Come on! I am Lady Leonora Lesso! I was a reader, I worked my way up the ladder and became the mastermind behind a lot of stories. I have got to do something. Think. What does she want to know how to do that I already know about?

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{1300 Words}

Author Note: (:


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