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The following morning at breakfast, she gave her saddening news. "We are returning to dragonstone." Daella felt her eyes begin to wet as she realized she would be alone.

"Mother, you can't leave me." She begged as Rhaenrya ordered everyone to leave. "I tried, sweet girl. I tried, but the King is adamant you stay." She told her, opening her arms.

Daella rushed into her mother's arm, savoring the comfort before it was gone. "Will you send ravens?" Her voice cracked out, making her mother's eyes water.

"Of course, sweet girl. I don't wish for us to part." Her mother told her, placing kisses on her head. "You can have my old room as a comfort," Rhaenyra whispered to her daughter as she kneeled.

Rhaenyra pushed the hair from her daughter's face. The sadness she felt about leaving her only daughter behind. "My beautiful girl, I will have a maid assigned to you, Annalie Massey."

She looked into her mother's eyes, causing her to cry again. "I don't want to be alone. I want to be with you and my brothers." Daella tried to explain through sobs.

"I know, I know." Rhaenyra sniffled, holding her daughter close again. They separated after what seemed like an eternity.

"We should see your brothers." Her mother told her, standing and taking her hand. They made their way to her mother's former chambers.

"Luke, could you come with me?" She asked her brother, who eagerly nodded. She took his hand and made her way to her chambers.

She grabbed her wooden box with a frown. "Could you take care of her for me?" She asked him with a gentle smile. "Why can't you? Aren't you joining us?"

She shook her head, placing the box on the floor and kneeling. "I can't return with you. I have to stay and fulfill my duties."

"Then I will stay. I can help you." She smiled sadly at him, pulling him into a hug. "Take care of her for me. When you miss me, look at her." She told him softly, pulling away.

"I will. I promise you." He told her, wiping his tears away. She stood and gently handed over the box. Daella smiled, watching him hold it close.

They returned to their mother's chambers. Luke rushed to their mother to show her the mantis. "I still don't understand why you can't join us?"

"I am betrothed to Aegon. I can't leave, I promised mother." She told him sadly, causing him to pull her into a hug.

"Take care of Luke and mother." She told him, pulling away. "Of course, but I will miss you scolding me."

They smiled before she replied, "I will send a raven, even if you haven't done anything."

Now here she was next to her grandsire, watching her family leave. The Queen showed no emotion as she watched them go.

But Helaena reached for Daella's hand, taking it into hers with a gentle smile. "Will you stay with me?" She whispered, looking at her feet.

"Of course, I won't leave you," Helaena told her while pulling her to follow. Queen Alicent watched them and felt a pang in her chest. It was a sight all too familiar.

As they moved through the castle, it now felt empty. She knew now she couldn't expect to see Luke run after her or her walks with Jace.

"Where is your mantis?" Helaena asked, noticing no box. "I gave it to Luke so he could remember me." Helaena smiled softly at her.

"That is very sweet," Helaena replied before sitting next to the window. "Are you going to join us for dinner?" Daella was quick to shake her head.

"I will stay in my room. I have to get used to this." She said, motioning to her new room. It made her feel comforted to be in her mother's old room.

But it felt too silent with no Luke or Jace. She even missed Joffrey's wailing. "I will have a maid bring us dinner." Helaena suggested.

"You want to spend dinner with me?" Daella asked with surprise. "I wouldn't want to with anyone else." Helaena told her. They shared a smile but little did they know why.


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