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Daella and Lucerys sat at her table near her window with tea on the table between them. He had calmed once he drank some.

"Oh, I am sorry..." A voice whispered, causing her to turn. She immediately stood, seeing Helaena at the door.

She rushed over to her taking her face in her hands. "I do hope you are all right," Daella whispered, looking into Helaenas comforting gaze.

Helaena gently nodded her head, taking Daella's hands into hers. "I shall go see mother," Luke says as he stands and heads toward the door.

Daella looks over Helaenas shoulder, and he gives her a reassuring smile. "Come sit." She says to Helaena freeing her left hand and placing her arm around Helaenas shoulders.

"That was a great shock, was it not?" Daella says, trying to lift the mood of the room. Helaena took a sip from Daellas cup.

"The air was changing. It was inevitable." Helaena says softly, looking up at Daella. "Would you like to see the children?" Helaena asks, taking Daella's hand in hers.

"I believe it will calm us." With those words, Helaena takes Daella from her chambers to her children.

As they entered, Gyda smiled at them before leaving the room. Aenys and Aemma ran toward their mother, wrapping their arms around her.

She rubbed their back with her hands as Helaena walked toward Vaegon. "What happened mother?" Aemma asked quietly as she looked up at her mother.

"Nothing, my darling." She tells her with a smile as they unwrap their arms. "Why don't you both go play?" She asked them causing them both to hurry away.

She slowly made her way toward Helaena. "He is at peace now." Helaena says and Daella knows she is speaking of Vaemond.

"He does not deserve peace. He has questioned my mother more than should have been allowed." Daella tells her looking at her sleeping son.

"You should not sound so cruel it will not end well, Daella." Her head snapped to Helaena's as she said her name. "But it is the truth. I do not seek to be cruel to those I cherish and love."

Helaena placed her hand on Daellas as their eyes locked. "My mother told me the King wants a dinner with all family."

Daella rolls her eyes as Helaena pulls her hand away. "I must get ready for what is to come, I will see you then." As Daella walks out Helaena holds her hand up.

That night Daella stood in her room wearing her mothers favorite dress. She stood looking out at the darkening skies of Kings Landing.

"Daella?" Helaena asks as she enters the room. "Helaena, should you not be getting ready?" Daella asked turning seeing her standing in front of a now closed door.

"I wished to see you before a fight were to break." Daella sighed moving from the window and toward her Helaena. "I fear something bad..." Helaena whispered making Daella hurry toward her.

"Nothing bad is to happen. If it were to I would get us out, I promise." Daella tells her bring her hand to Helaenas cheek.

"I am not speaking of the dinner." Helaena said making Daella sigh, "I do not just mean the dinner. If something were to happen I would get you out."

Helaena's eyes widened in confusion, "I cherish you Helaena, I will protect what I love. You are one of those people." Daella tells her with a smile.

"You are my friend." Helaena says causing Daella to nod. "Princess-" Annalie was stopped upon seeing the Princesses.

They stood mere inches away from each other. Daella held Helaenas face while they looked at each other softly making Annalie smile.

"it is time for supper." Annalie finishes as the Princesses part from each other. "No one will know." Annalie promises them as she closes the door.

"Are you ready?" Daella asks making Helaena nod. "I will see you at the table." Daella says as she leaves Helaena once again.


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