From One Problem To The Next

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so i left off on a very intense spot last chapter... BUT DONT WORRY!!! every things going to be ok. a special shoutout to everyone who answered to the public notice. i really appreciate it.

                                                           Ch 5. In The Hospital

                                                           When I wake up the first thing I notice is the bright light. "Ahhhh the light, it burns!" I grumble, to no one in particle. "Ha ha I bet that's what a vampire would say!" a voice replies. "wha..." I ask, before instantly being cut off by their talking. "I'm Yumi, you probably don't know me, but I saw your friends drag you outta the Mountain scream for help so I helped. Did you really bet Team Rocket? I hear their like, totally big and bad and nasty. Was it hard? How did you find them? How did you..."  "That's enough Yumi. I'm sure poor Amber would like some rest." The nurse tells her. I finally look. Yumi is a charmander, probaly about level 16, most definatly female and obviously talks A LOT. She smiles at me. "Right I'll go out and tell your friends and family. I'm sure they'll be happy to hear you're ok." and then she left. Nurse chansey laughs. "that girls one fireball of energy, huh? Anyway, how do you fell?" I blink. "Fine, I guess. Are my family really out there? And my friends? And why exactly did you send Yumi to check on me and not one of them. I mean, she's nice and all, but I don't really know her." She smiles. "Your friends and family would probably had woken you up and it's nice to meet someone else."

"Ya, do you think I can go out there and talk to everyone? They're probably really worried."

"No, you can't go out, but I can send them in."


She smiles and leaves. A few minutes later everyone files in. "Amber! What were you thinking taking on Team Rocket? You're lucky you only got knocked out!" "Sorry Mom I just couldn't let those nasties take over. Don't worry I'm fine really." She smiles and shakes her head. "Just like your Father." "Hey wha'd I tell you guys, she's back to normal and ready for the next challenge!" Yumi annouces, breaking the silence. I laugh. "So when do they let me out?" I ask, directing my question to everyone in the room. "Tomorrow." Princess promises. "Hey I'm glad you're ok, unfortunatly that slimy Ekans, Jezzibelle, got away, which means we'll see more Team Rocket scum soon." Woofer growls. He sounds pretty P.O. and I don't blame him.

---------------------------------------------(The Next Day)--------------------------------------------------------------

"Oh I'm sooooooooooooo glad to be out of that stuffy hospital." I say, stretching my legs. My family left last night so Yumi, Pixie, and Woofer were all that was left of my visitors. As it turns out, Yumi was on a journey just like us and left from Pallet Town. Her dream was to be the greatest. So I invited her to come with me until we got to Vermillion City. "Hey you guys! Before you leave I want to reward you for helping me." It was Brock and with him he had three boulder badges. "What about ME!" Yumi whines. " I need a boulder badge too." he looks at her. "Sorry my gyms gonna be closed for a little while, but you'll be the first to know when I'm reopening, ok?" "YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!" she squels "Come on Amber lets go!" "HEY! wait for me!" I yell chasing after her. "HEY! wait for us too!" Pixie and Woofer yell chasing after me. Now for the next challenge and I'm more than ready. Universe, come at me bro!

Thx toAnimegirl123123 for Yumi. I hope you guys like this, cause I'm not going to be able to get on for the next... possible two weeks. PEACE!!

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