The Rest Of It

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Ok, so far, nobodies voted, but they insist I keep writing!!!!!!!! And by voted I mean at the end of the chapter when I put in the thingy so you people could vote. And did you??? NO!!!!!!!!! I was TRYING to be even more inculsive BUT NO!!!!!!!! And if you could've sworn you voted then my apologies, but I never got it. So, back to eenie, meenie, miney, moe it is. Grrrrrrr...

P.s. Sorry for taking so long. I kinda got bored of writing the fights, but I WILL FINISH THIS!!!!!!! I AM A REED!!!!! WE DON'T QUIT!!!!!! WE LEAD!!!!!!! XD *Please note that this author's note will be removed and this will be added to the previous chapter when the next chapter goes up (So, never C-:< )*

Chapter 9. The Tourniment

"Hmmmmmm..." Pixie says, looking at them. "They're both pretty strong. Yumi has a level advantage, but Scarlet did take you down." I laugh. The fight starts. Scarlet lunges at Yumi. It's almost sad to see them fight, considering they hit it off so well when they first met. The two both go for a scratch. They end up locking claws. It becomes a pushing match. Yumi may have a higher level, but Scarlet's too determined to give it up. They both go down at the same time, then bounce right back up. Scarlet get right back to attacking, but Yumi blockes every move she throws. Pixie and I exchange looks. Scarlet blows an ember atttack in Yumi's face. She easily counters it. There's a mini explosion. Scarlet uses the smoke as a momentary cover, and attacks from behind. Then Yumi unleashed her strongest attack, dragon rage. Scarlet reeled back in the milisecond before the attack hit her. She took a lot of damage. Scarlet fell to her knees. She struggled to get back up, but couldn't in the end. "Yumi is the winner!!!!" We announced. She ran over and helped Scarlet up. The two of them made their way out of the arena. Scarlet plops down on my left, exauhsted. "Hey, are you ok?" Yumi asks her. She looks up. "Ya, you were really good." She says, holding out a hand (Paw?) to shake. "Yumi is the winner!" Misty announces after moving her name onto the next bracket. "The battle between Woofer and Chiyo will now begin!!!!"

They square off. Woofer lunges. Big mistake. She quickly hits with a feint attack. It's very effective. Everyone looks a little more interested. They both launch a flamethrower. We move back a little so we don't get hurt. "Wow. If they keep this up they'll burn each other up." Pixie says to me. I nod. How could they be hiding this much power? I shake my head to clear it. Every move one makes the other counters. They both look exhausted. "Who ever goes down first..." I mutter. "Woofer's strong, but Chiyo's packing a lot of power too. Hmmm..." Then it happens. We all gasp. The smoke clears, and they both go down. "This is amazing. They tied. I..." We rush out to help them up. They're both very tired. I look at Yumi. "I hope you're ready, because you're going up against Misty."

Woofer and Chiyo sit next to us. We all watch, wondering who's going to win. "Hey, before we start, lets not use any attacks of are elements. Like, you can't use fire type moves and I can't use water type moves, deal?" Misty asks. Yumi nods. They begin. Yumi goes for a scratch. Misty dodges it with expert percision. She tries again with the same luck. Misty lunges swiftly, knocking Yumi down. She leaps back up and uses dragon rage. Misty goes though it, leaps up, and slams into Yumi again. She swipes as Misty is making her escape and gets a direct hit. She swipes a couple more times. She's down. She swiftly turns and nips at Yumi's toes. She jumps back. Misty pounces. She bites her again. Yumi rakes her claws down Misty's side. She roars with pain and anger. Yumi takes the opportunity and dragon rages her again. She jumps away. Snarling like a wild animal, she lunges again, but Yumi expects it, waits until she almost hits, and jumps. Misty, consumed by her anger, doesn't realize what she's doing. She turns and lunges again. Yumi swipes at her. She snaps out of it, I can tell. Misty has these moments she gets in the heat of a battle where she becomes very vicious and... scary. It runs in the family on my dad's side. Princess and Jessie have it, so does Leaf. It's possible I have it too. Anyway, Misty and Leo have it too. Back at the battle, Misty's attacking Yumi. I then realise her plan. Yumi hits her, and she goes down. Yumi wins.

"Well, we better get going. Thank you for your hospitality Misty." She nods. WE watch as every one else talks. "You let her win." She looks at me inquisitivly. "You could've got up and kept fighting, but you let her win instead. Why?" She hesitates. "My anger took over. She was able to take it. Anyone who can take on the anger, deserves to win." I nod. Pixie and Woofer aproach us. "We're leaving." PIxie says. I nod. "Ok, see you guys around, K? Don't get into trouble. They nod. They both start off on the same path them split off and go into seperate directions right before they get out of veiw. Woofer goes straight and Pixie goes to the left. Scarlet and Akiko aproach me next. "It's been fun, but we wanna go check something out in Vermillion." I nod. "It certainly has been a pleasure. See you guys around someday. Until then, take care or yourselves." They nod and take off. I turn to Yumi and Chiyo. "Looks like you two are left. I'm heading to Lavender Town, I have business there. Are you guys coming with, or..." They look at each other. "I'd like to go with you, if you'll have me." Chiyo says. Yumi nods. "Ya, and you're not getting rid of me yet!!!" She states cheerily. I smile. "It'll be dangerous. There's no going back. I'm kinda the #1 and the TR wanted list. If you come with me, your putting yourselves on that list too, you know that, right." They nid. "Well aren't you little miss sunshine." Chiyo says. I laugh, then turn to Misty. "See ya around, and try to keep in touch, ok?" She nods. The three of us head of to Lavender.

He watched from a distance. Some day, they would be together. He knew it. 


Hmmm.... maybe I should start putting the a/n down here again. Anyways, who that watching fron the distance and what does her want from Amber??? I guess you're gonna have to wait until the next time I update :3 and what does Amber have to do in Lavender Town....

*edit: I realise my mistake... please don't like hate me for it.... I promise I'll go through and fix it eventually.... I'm so sorry about that though..... I was so focused on finishing I didn't notice :(*

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