Lavender Town

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Ok, so first off, if I wasn't so lazy, this probably could've doubled as my halloween special. Oh well. Anyways, it's still going to be creepy, so when I finish this (book, not A/N) we should just pretend like it is XD And what about Amber's stalker... He's gonna be in this chapter.... Sheesh, the dude needs a life.... Well, let's just say it's going to get interesting here.... Also, for those of you who answered the PUBLIC NOTICE, if you're panicing because your character hasn't been added yet, chillax bro. I'm just gonna say it now, yes, all the characters will make it into this series, but there's going to be three books, so if they're not in this one, they're in #2 or 3. One more thing, there's going to be a big surprise in this one, so be prepared. MWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHA

Chapter 10. LTS

We entered the town, and instantly got chills. I hate coming here, but I have to. It's the only town where humans, pets (what we wild pokemon say when referring to caught pokemon, that or slaves), and wilds get along just fine. No one tries to catch us here. I sigh and turn to my very silent companions. "Listen you guys, you don't have to follow me up there. I just need to.... talk.... to someone." They look at me very solemnly. "Amber, are you ok, you've been acting kinda've... out of it since we left Cerulean." Yumi asks. Chiyo nods. 'I didn't know you before, but I don't think that's very normal behavior for you." I sigh. "The last time we faced TR, I was knocked out. While I was out, I was visited... by my deceased father. I know this place is known for it's spiritual energy, so I figured that I might be able to talk to him again here." I look at them. They look a bit frightened. I start off. "Wait." They call. I turn again. "we want to come. You're are friend and you shouldn't have to do this alone." I smile. We start walking again.

"Does this place have to be so damn creepy." I mutter to myself. We've just made it to the second floor and already Yumi's clutching her tail like a child clutches a blanket, while Chiyo presses closer to the two of use, both constantly looking over their shoulders. I signal them to stop. Up ahead I see a human and his umbreon kneeling at a grave. "Stay here" I whisper, edging closer. I get about three feet away when he looks up and notices me. He smiles, but it's a sad, bittersweet smile. "You lost someone too, didn't you? It's ok, don't be shy, I won't hurt you." I move closer, and sit down beside him. I look up at him. He looks down at me. He has brown spiky hair and green eyes. "I... it sucks, doesn't it? Losing someone close. I... I lost my best friend. He was my partner, I could always rely on him, and now... now I can't ever talk to him." I nod. I didn't realize the umbreon that was with him before was gone. He sighs. " I should go, good luck." He says, standing up. I stay sitting where I am, looking at the grave. I feel sorry for the boy. Suddenly I feel a cold presence and black out.

We watch in silence as Amber sits by that human. It's so quiet and creepy here. The human walks past us. A couple of minutes later Amber aproaches us Slowly and huantingly. I look at Yumi. "Wha-" I start to ask, then stop. Amber's eyes are glazed over a bit and look dull. "Amber?" I ask slowly. "Um... Amber, are you ok?" Yumi asks timidly. She attacks us. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We both scream and run away. She chases after us. All around the floor. We keep getting lost, tripping and hitting dead ends. Closes in on us, and we cowar in the corner she backed us into. "Arceus save us." I whisper. Then a miracle happens. Arceus didn't save us, but some umbreon that was in the right place at the right time did. He jumped infront of us and attacked her. We stared wide eyed, hoping he didn't hurt her to bad. Her fur starts steaming as the smoke from his attack disappears, him going with it. "Wha... what happened?" She mutters, starting to get up, only to collapse again. We rush to help her up. " You got possesed, and you kept trying to attack us. Then some umbreon saved us." Her ears twitched. "I'm sorry you guys. I guess you shouldnt've came with me." She limps forward even though we stopped. "I need to go to this last one alone. I call for you if I need backup."

The truth is, I didn't want them to follow me because I didn't want that to happen again. I feel so guilty though because they're obviously scared, and I kinda did drag them along with me. When I reach the third floor, an interesting scene greats me. The human from earlier and two others are fighting with some other humans. Who call themselves Team Rocket. They're greatly outnumbered. I reconize some of our TR amongst them. I quickly call Yumi and Chiyo. The head of the human TR laughs. "Even with all your pokemon out you couldn't possibly beat us." The human curls his lip in disgust. The three of us step forward. Everyone stares. The TR dudes start laughing. "This!??!?!?!!?!?!? This is your backup?!?!?! BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA This is nothi-" I race forward and head but him in the stomach. Everyone on his side is completely shocked, while everyone on my side is a bit shocked but more amused as to how I delivered the message 'I'm stronger then I look'. I sniff and turn, then stalk back to my friends aroangantly, whip around, and give them a ferious snarl. A lot of the stupid grunts make a run for it. The head dude got up cursing at me. "THAT"S IT!!!!! YOU'RE ALL DEAD!!!!!" He screams. He and his grunts send out all their "Pets". The humans send out some of their own. "Who do we fight for." Yumi asks me. I look at her and smile. "Us. But we fight against TR." They nod. The fight starts. The TR pets drop like flies, until it's only their boss left. Right before we start attacking him, we here a bone-chilling voice tell us "Leave now. Leave Now. Leave NOW. LEAVE NOW!!!" The pets and their master bolt. Me, my friends and the pets back up, making a tight half circle arround the humans, who press tightly together. We get pinned against the wall. The girl human whispers to the other two she's scared, they just nod. We hear the voice again. "LEAVE NOW!!! LEAVE NOW!!! LEAVE NOW!!! LEAVE-" "NO!!!!" I scream at it. They look at me like I've gone crazy. I step forward. Looking at it, I gasp. Three ghosts appear to me. A Marowak, an Umbreon, and a Gengar. The Marowak stepped forward, well, more like floated. "Why are you here???" She hissed. "What brings you here???" I stare into her face. "I'm here to speak with my father. I figured that I would be able to speak with him here." The Umbreon stepped forward next. "The one you seek is not here. In order to find him you must travel far, far away" The Gengar steps up now. "Follow me." I look back, only to find I can no longer see my friends. The Marowak and the Umbreon have disappeared. Around me I hear voices whispering "Don't go"

"It's a trap"

"Stay with us"

"Don't trust him"

"Help us"

"We can save you"

"Plaese don't leave us"

I want to trust them, but how can I?

Amber suddenly took a few steps forward, and then the purple fog enveloped her. Chiyo and I called out a couple of times. The humans did too, but they didn't know her name, so they just called out stuff like 'Hey!!!' and stuff. Them we started hereing the voices. 'Save her"

Don't let her go with him."

"It's a trap"

"He'll hurt her"

"Save her"

"Save her"

"Save HER"



Chiyo and I looked at each other. "Save her." We said at the same time, then nodded. I looked at the humans and their pets. They heard the voices too. We raced off into the thick purple fog. We had to save her. We had to save Amber.

He lead me up a bunch a stairs. We reached the top of the tower. "Hello???" I called. I whish I could still ear the voices. Every muscle in my body told me to listen to them and run, but curiousity held me there in a death grip. Suddenly, the Gengar disappears, laughing manically, as the door out slams shut. I run to it. "Dammit, it's locked." I hear a laugh behind me. "No need for such language, Amber." I whip around. My eyes widen with horror as I see the owner of the voice.

I should've listened to the voices.

Amber The EeveeWhere stories live. Discover now