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BUM BUM BUM (dramatic music plays in the background.) So I left you at cliffhanger right? Well, I just thought I warn you, since this chapter is so dramatic, imma gonna switch the P.O.V throughout the characters in this chapter. This is the first time I'm doing this and... hang on. (momentarily stops dramatic music) Ok there, as I was saying,this is the first time I'm doing this and I'd like to know what you think. Anyways... So here we go (starts dramatic music again).

                                                     Chapter 7. Mixed emotions

PART ONE (Amber's P.O.V.)

I swore silently under my breath. This is what Misty was being so paranoid about. She knew something like this was going to happen. "Misty..." I told them, "She saw this coming, but how?" Scarlet's friend spoke up. "When we heard about the attack on Mt. Moon, and that Brock had been possesed, Misty started to prepare for something like that to happen here. Everyone thought she was over reacting but... I guess they were wrong." I nodded. 

"You're Scarlet's friend right?"

"Ya, I'm Akiko."

I looked at her. She was a vulpix, age and level 15. She seamed like one of those really happy and nice types, but considering the situation it was hard to tell. I sighed. I had a bad feeling the people of Cerulean would never be the same after this. I looked around at all the citizens. The smell of their panic was so thick, it was the only thing left in the air. And you could see the fear in their faces, hear the quiver in their voices as they called for loved ones. I felt my rage growing. How sick does one have to be to find joy from this. I felt a growl forming in my throat. I must have been growling though, cause the others were giving me a panicked look. "you're not going to do something, are you? Like what you did at Mt. Moon?" Pixie asked me. I could tell by the way she said it she was scared I'd get hurt again. I sighed and swallowed my anger. " Don't worry, I promise I won't do anything stupid." I tried to reasure them, but I was lying through my teeth. I WAS going to go after Team Rocket. 

PART TWO (Pixie's P.O.V.)

 I could tell Amber was lying, but I didn't want the others to know. I gave her a sideways look, hoping to see what she was thinking, but she wouldn't look at me. I sighed. If I knew my friend as well as I did, she would do something. Some Team Rocket grunts walked in and escorted everyone out, before separeating us all. Amber, Akiko, and I got taken in one direction, Woofer was taken in another, and Yumi and Scarlet were taken in a third. "Where are you taking us?" Akiko asked. "The grunt growled at her. "Shut up" It lunged. Amber growled, loudly. Akiko gave it the evil eye. It thought twice. I couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl, but I could tell Amber was very, very angry with it. Why? It took us to a small group, the took Amber to speak privatly. I took this time to profile it. It was an eevee, but it was gray, not brown. It appeared to be both age and level 13. It was wearing a red/orange bandana around it's neck. It kept trying to talk to her, but she kept turning away. She looked disgusted, like she was mad at it. "Who's that and why are they so interested in Amber?" Akiko asked, sitting next to me. "I don't know" I told her, which was true, "But she must know it cause she seems pretty P.O."  

"Mmmhmmmm I wonder if she'll tell us."

"Ya, I wonder."

Suddenly another grunt came and started to talk to Amber and that one grunt.  It said something and the odd colored eevee looked away. Amber looked at it in disbelief. The new comer, a Raticate, started to lead her away. The odd colored eevee started walking toward us, look upset. Then I heard Amber scream. "LEO HOW COULD YOU! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS!" Leo, appearently, lost it. I could see a tear running down his cheek. Who is he?

PART THREE (Akiko's P.O.V.)

 I couldn't stand it any more.How dare he, who ever he was, do this. I walked over to him. He gave me this look, like he was angry, at hisself, at his accomplisses, at the world. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!!" He snapped, like I was some demon, following him around, torturing him. I was so shocked I lost my tongue. I hate it when people mess with my friends, but I hate it when people are like, well THAT, too. It seemed like he didn't want to do it. I suddenly saw the Team Rocket grunts from a different perspective. He ran off. Pixie came up to me. "I think Amber has family in Stone Town. I heard that Stone Town is in Team Rocket's control. I bet that's one of her cousins."

"Stone town?"

"Ya, you know, the town on Mt Silver, in between the Kanto and Johto regions. Her dad's from there."

"Oh, right" Could he be her cousin, I wonder. "So, what do we do now? Should we go after her?"

Pixie nodded "but first we should talk to this, Leo, guy. I want to find out what he knows."

I nodded in agreement. We found him not very far away, at the top of a hill. We could hear quiet whimpers coming from him. I could tell he was crying. It made feel bad for him, until I remembered that he was still a TR grunt and all the bad things Team Rocket has done. "Do you want to tell us what that was all about back there." I asked, trying to sound like I knew what I was talking about. For all I know, he could've been forced to join Team Rocket. "Why do you care." He asked, so quietly, I almost didn't hear him. "Look, we just want to know what they're going to do with her." Pixie told him gently. "Ya, help us help her." I chimed in, hoping he'd listen. 

"You really want to know what they'll do to her!" He screamed angryly at us. "I'll tell you what they'll do to her. They'll torture her, they'll make bleed, they'll make her pay for what happened at Mt. Moon. AND IT'LL ALL BE MY FAULT!" I didn't know what to say to that, fortunatly, Pixie did. "Tell us where they'll take her. We can help, you can help. Just tell us where they took her." She spoke so kindly, and softly, I knew he'd help. "They took her to see the boss. I'll take you to find your other friends!" he said, suddenly excited by the thought of helping. "Come on, quickly."

PART FOUR (Woofer's P.O.V)

 I was seprated from the others, and sooooo confused. Suddenly, this gray eevee came running for toward the group i was put in. He had Pixie and Akiko with him. "Sir, I've been given direct orders to move some prisoners, Sir"

"Which ones do you need from here?"

He looked at me. "That one, Sir"

"Fine, take him." the gaurd sounded bored. He came and got me. "My name is Leo. I'm Amber's cousin. I'm going to help you guys get away, and free everyone. Two more of your friends to find, right? Let's go." He started walking for another group, with us in tow. A short while later we found Scarlet and Yumi. Now all that's left to find of our group is Amber, I hope she's okay.

PART FIVE (Scarlet's P.O.V)

I couldn't belive this was happening. I HAD JUST MET THESE PEOPLE!!!! Then again, I'm sure it'll be worth it. I used to hate Cerulaen City ( I mean, come on, I'm a fire type, and they're all water types. Basically.) But now, I feel for them. They've been through  A LOT!!! I really hope we can free them from Team Rocket. That's when we were suddenly stopped, by a Meowth. "Your cousin is looking for you, Leo."

"Tell me where she is!!!"

"Hmph, you guys really are related. This way."

I can't believe this!!! We're going to bust Amber out of here!!!! If she saved Mt. Moon, she can save Cerulean, right???

"Oh ya, Misty's with her."

PART SIX (Yumi's P.O.V)

I was soooo nervous. Busting out Amber was one thing, but Misty too?!?!?!?! I wondered if we could do it. Leo got all quiet and stiff. I wonder what he's thinking. If he's Amber's cousin, and Misty's Amber's cousin.... does that mean Misty is---- "All right, here we are. If anyone askes, you didnt hear it from me." We had stopped at a building. All right, here we go. Me and the others burned a hole in the wall, then snuck in. By the time we found them, Leo had dissappeared. I bet this was a trap. Oh well, we gotta get them out and worry about that later. "Guys, you came for us" Amber sounded slightly surprised, really happy, and really excited. "Ya, you didn't think we'd leave you out of the fight, did you??" Woofer asked. She smiled. "Come on you guys, we've got to go now." Misty says. She's right. We all agree and follow her toward the exit. Suddenly, two figures block our path. "So, you though you could exscape us, huh?" he throughs Leo toward us and laughs. "That's cute." the other one laughs too. "Ya, talk about adorable." She says giving us this look. they step forward so we can see them. They aren't the Team rocket leaders from before. They're both persians. and they're both looking at us like we're lunch. Gulp

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