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MWAHAHHAHAHAHAHA I left it at a cliff hanger :) This chapter's gonna be kinda sad though.... :(

Chapter 11. Memories

A long time ago, when I was younger, my family wasn't doing to well. My mom was in a spiralling depression. One of Dad's old friends, Shayla, came to live with us. She had a son about my age. He was my best friend. One day when we were playing on some rocks, I started to fall. He pulled me up, but momentum made him fall. He died later that day. I could never forgive myself. Shayla left. Everyday I went back there and cried. He was my best friend. He was my only friend. Then I met Woofer and Pixie. I stopped going back. I stopped crying myself to sleep. But I never forgot. At that moment, every tear spilled down my cheeks. Because there he was. Standing in front of me. Same mischevios smile, same dark gray fur and yellow/red eyes. The same underbite too. "Fang." I whispered between my tears. I collapsed crying. "Now you remember. Now you care." He growls distantly. I stare up at him in disbelief. "What are you saying. I never forgot you. I cried myself to sleep!!!" The tears kept coming. "For a couple of years, yes. Then you forgot about me. You replaced me."

"NO!!! I never forgot you, nor did I replace you!!!! Fang!!!! Please, you have to understand. I promise I never forgot you!!!! I'm sorry!!! I'm so, so sorry!!!!! Please!!!! This isn't like you!!!" He looked disgusted. "I have to understand??? No, YOU have to understand. I was alone. I couldn't move on. Then I found you again. And now, now there's only one option left. I can't be alone any longer. I'm going to kill you Amber. Then we can play together forever.

We hit some stairs. Three pokemon block our path. The Gengar steps forward. "The one you seek is not here. She left. Follow me so you may exit aswell." He hisses. I can still here the voices chanting "Save her! Save her! Save her! Save her! Save her! It's a trap! Save her!" I refuse him. He looks p.o.ed Then he disappears and the other two, a Marowak and an Umbreon step forward. "You were right to listen to the voices. Your friend is in terrible danger. Quickly, follow us." The Marowak informs us. The humans stop to discuss amongst themselves. "There's nothing more to do Green!!! She got set up!!! All we can do now is hope!!!"

"Blue, you don't understand. They could be trying to kill her!!!"

"They could try to kill us!!!!!"

"Calm down you two. You both make a valid point. I think we should go. We'll be safer in a group."

We stare at them, waiting. "Let's go." The girl sighs reluctantly. The two nod, then lead us up the stairs. I hope Amber's ok.

"Please!!!! You have to stop this!!!!" I scream. He attacks me again. I dodge again. "Why won't you fight back Amber!!!" He yells frustrated. "I won't!!!! I won't fight back!!! I won't hurt you!!!" I scream back in frustration. "You already have." He hisses. I hear banging behind us. "Oh look, your new friends are here. To bad they won't get through. Even if they do, by that time you'll be mine again." He was wrong. They broke through. Chiyo and Yumi leaped in front of me. "There's no way in hell we're going to let you kill her." They hiss. I look at him. He's clearly thinking the same thing I am.

A couple of weeks before he died, we were exploring in the forest. Leaf came with us as supervision. We quickly wondered off and got lost. Suddenly, we were attacked by a much stronger and larger pokemon. It slammed into Fang, hurting him badly. It went to hit him again, and I jumped in front of him, growling fiercely. "There's no way in hell I'll let you hurt him!!!"

He stopped attacking, looking shell shocked. I stepped between them and approach him. "Amber. I'm so sorry. I..." He burst into tears. "It's ok Fang. I understand. You were sad and angry and lonely. I'll miss you." I feel a tear run down my own cheek. He smiles. "See ya around, Amy" I smile back, more tears spilling out. "See you around, Fang."

We first met almost a whole year before he died. We loved to pull pranks on my older siblings. We had so much fun together, even though we always got in trouble. Everything felt right. Then when he died, that right feeling was shattered. I forgot how to smile, I forgot how to laugh. Slowly I became a shell of my former self. Then I met Pixie and Woofer. Slowly, I learned how to smile, and laugh, and pull pranks like I used to. But I never forgot. Never.

The humans kept a respectful distance, almost like they could sense the solemnity of the situation. An old man came to the top of the stairs. "He's gone." The old man murmered. The humans turned to him. "What do you mean?" The girl asks. "There was a spirit here, it was very bitter and angry, but it's gone now. Anyway, come with me, all of you. I'll give you tea. The humans nodded and followed, then the one I sat by earlier, the one that was next to the grave turned and approached me. Hesitantly he put a hand on my back. I didn't do anything. "I'm sorry for your loss." He said, then got up and left. I turned to Chiyo and Yumi. "Let's go."


DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!! Well, this is my exciting conclusion to the last chapter. Bonus points to the first person who correctly tels me who the three humans are ( You have to get all three or no bonus points) XD

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