To Viridian Forest

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hey guys, i know the last chapter was short, but they'll get longer as the story and plot line get more interesting.also, inthis book, eventually evolve into a certain the last chapter i asked for you guys to vote on which eeveelution i should evolve into.i relize now i was not very clear on what i was asking.i meant in real life and not the story.on my profile i meantioned that i am an eevee.i love all my evolutions and cannot figure out which one i like the that is what i mean when i on to the next capter.

Chapter Two.Y U Have No Gym Leader Viridian Forest Gym?

"Are you sure you know where we're going?" pixie asks me."Ya, its not that hard to get lost FOLLOWING A PATH!" "true, but Viridian Forest is a natural maze and I'm certain we've been walking in circles."she says.oh, right"F-"HEY LOOK! i found the gym. i'll race you guys!" Woofer yells over his shoulder.

(scene transition)

"Awwwwwwww,its closed! I guess-"Its been closed for a long time" A voice calls from behind. Its a butterfree. He flies up in front of us."The Gym Leader disappeared a long time'll have to go to the gym in Mt. Moon." "...Oh, ok, thanks mister*." I turn to Pixie and Woofer."Let's split up and see who can get all the gym badges first!" I really hope they'll agree. They look at each other. "Well, i guess" Pixie says slowly "But we should check in with each other every once in a while." "okay!" Woofer and I yell excited"See you guys later!"Pixie says."Ya, see ya!" Woofer says and follows her. So i guess im on my own. Fine, I'll get the Gym Badges first, I just know it.

*yes, the butterfree is a guy

so,books going pretty fast, right?well,the thing are going to be fast until the plot thickens, so be patient and bere with me

Amber The EeveeWhere stories live. Discover now