1. Done

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Somi's POV

I was done.
There is no way I'm going back there.

Everyone at my school hates me. I didn't even do anything wrong. It seems they just don't like me. A girl in my class, Omi Shiza, she was the worst. Her and her minions never stopped beating me. Whether it was in the back of the school or in class when the teachers were somewhere else, she would hit me and wouldn't stop. Went as far as giving me a scar across my face.

I was bullied even more after that. The scar made me more 'ugly' than I already was. It just kept getting worse, and home was not any better.

I would come home to my dad beating my mom. I don't even know why he married her if this was going to happen. When mom passed out, it was my turn. I never got a break.

Dad never even acknowledged the scar on my face. He was always careful not to leave me any scars where they were visible. Not that any of that mattered now.

I stood in front of the side of the bridge, leaving my backpack and shoes on the side since I just got out of school. Omi and her wannabe Barbie friends had cut my hair, and that was my last straw. My hair was my pride and joy, the only joy in my life.

I remembered when my mom beat me after she got beat. She blamed me for what happened to her every time, and I didn't even know what I did. My hair was what reminded me of someone special, Grandma. She was the only nice one to me until she died when I was 5.

I took a step forward, then another, and another. I was soon at the edge, looking down at the water. I was hoping things would be okay after this. But people started to yell at me, telling me I should keep on living.

They said I was loved, and they said my parents would be sad if I died.

That was wrong. They would laugh. Everyone would party at my funeral. No. They wouldn't even hold a funeral. They would leave me and pretend I never existed.

I jumped off, ignoring the pleas and cries. I watched as the bridge got farther from me. Once I hit the cold water, I saw blood flowing around me.

But it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. I could tell I was crying, but I couldn't see it as I was underwater.

But I heard a voice, a calming voice.

Who was it? Who was calling to me in such an unfamiliar tone? They sounded like they were..... worried.

I heard the voice say something but I didn't know what it was. The voice was audible, but I couldn't make out any words. I didn't even know what was going on or what the voice was saying.

3rd person POV

Somi woke up in an unfamiliar room. It looked like a rich person lived here, a really rich person.

She moved only to realize she was in a random bed. The bed had white, silk sheets and really fluffy pillows. She took in her surroundings, getting more shocked with every passing second.

The walls were all white with small, shiny gems making pretty patterns. Then there was something Somi could only describe as 'breathtaking'.

There, right in front of the bed, was a huge window that made up the entire wall. The view was incredible. You could see the whole city from there.

But that was when Somi came to her senses. She had been so busy admiring everything around her that she forgot what was going on. 'I jumped' she thought 'Where am I now? I was just sinking into the lake.'

Somi was beyond surprised when she looked at her reflection through the mirror. Her hair was back.

It took everything in her willpower to not let any loud noises come out of her mouth as she slid to the floor, her eyes full of happy tears that hadn't been there for years.
She noticed her scar was still on her face, but it didn't look as bad with her hair. She actually looked kinda nice.

She was all caught up in her reflection when she heard a knock at the door. She froze in her place, tears stopped rolling down her cheeks as she remembered where she was.

Somi's POV

I froze.

I completely forgot about where I was.

I cautiously made my way off of the floor and back to the heavenly bed. Before I answered, I made sure that it didn't look like I had a full-on meltdown just now.

"Come in!" I said to the unknown person.

The guy who came in was dressed up as a butler. He appeared to be around 34. He looked at me like I was going to yell at him or something.

"Your breakfast is ready, Young Mistress." The mystery butler said as he made his way back towards the door. "You might want to put your uniform on seeing as it is your first day of your new school." He said before leaving.

'New school? No, no, no, no! I can't go back to school! But he said it was new.... Still, what if they are the same. I don't want to be bullied again..' Why did that butler have to say school? This is the worst.

I put on what I had assumed was my uniform. I looked at myself in the mirror, taking in my reflection once more.

'Just what is going on?'

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