2. Who are you?

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Somi's POV

I left the room, and my jaw dropped. This place was HUGE!

Walking around, I could tell this was sort of multi-bazillionares mansion. This person was probably richer than the entire country combined!

I somehow found my way to the dining room when there was this whole display of food on the table.
"What is this?" I asked, picking up some cloud-looking dessert.

"That's a Cloud cake, Young Mistress."

I turned around to see the same mystery butler from before. He had a blank expression this time and was holding out some orange juice.

"Is this for me?" I said, gesturing to the cup.

"Yes, isn't this your favorite?" He asked, a bit of worry in his tone.

How. Did. He. Know.

"Ummm...... Yeah, it is." I nervously took the cup and drank a sip of the juice.


Lost in my thoughts, I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Young Mistress, you have to eat your breakfast before you're late to school." Right.... school. I sat at the table and looked at the stack of pancakes in front of me. They were gone in not even five minutes.

"Mmmm, dis stuf is gwood." I said while taking the last bite. "Dang... I'm stuffed. " Frowning at the display of food, I decided to pack some of it in a lunch box. "You can have the rest, can't be late for school!" I said while walking out of the house.

Wait..... where is the school? O.O

3rd Person POV

Somi walked back into the house, asking the butler for directions. The butler looked at her with a face that said, 'Is this girl serious rn'

Giving Somi the directions, she walked down the street, following Google Maps.

'God, this app is a lifesaver,' She thought while walking down an alley as a shortcut. She bumped into something while looking down at her phone or someone.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I am so so so sorry!" She said while bowing her head over and over again. "I really didn't mean to bump into you!" With those words, she ran out of the alley, not even looking at the person she bumped into.

After Somi made it to school, she saw this really hot guy walking in. All the girls were fawning over him while the guys were looking at him with either jealously, admiration, or they were just staring.

Once she got onto the school campus, everyone was now staring at her.

'Oh no, am I really that ugly? Of course I am. Compared to the guy that just walked in, I probably look like an emo version of God knows who, or maybe even worse! Wait... IT'S PROBABLY MY UGLY SCAR!"

Feeling a bit self-conscious about it, Somi started to speed-walk past everyone, not noticing the tint of blush on the guys cheeks.

As she found her class, which was fashion, she saw the same handsome guy from outside by the door. He looked in her direction, and she immediately looked away.

Daniel's POV

I saw this really pretty girl with a scar coming my way, or probably to the classroom. Once I looked at her, she looked away. 'Oh no, does she not like me? It's probably my looks. But I'm in this perfect body? Maybe she can see the loser in me! I WILL NEVER MAKE FRIENDS!'

She kept moving towards the door with her head down. It's like she is avoiding me.

As she walked past, I got the urge to talk to her. 'I have to make friends! I'm gonna be a new me!' I thought.

But when I grabbed her shoulder, she immediately flinched and got into a guard position. Did I scare her?!

"Omg, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry!" I said while bowing my head.

I looked up, and she looked at me with a confused expression.

Somi's POV

Why is he apologizing? I thought he was gonna hit me or something, I should be grateful he didn't.

He looked up at me, and I was just awkwardly staring at him.

'I gotta say something,' I thought.

"Hey, ummm.... it's okay. I was just surprised, that's all." I said while putting on a small smile.

"Uhmmm, my name is D-Daniel. What's yours?" He said with a bit of a stutter. Why does he want to know my name? 'Is he trying to be nice? Faking? No, he looks sincere... Just.. don't get involved.'

Thoughts swirled through my head, and when I noticed he was waiting for my answer, I got kinda nervous. "M-My name is Somi Lynn."


"Can we be friends?" Daniel asked.



"Hey, can we be friends? My name is Omi btw, what's yours?"

"Oh, my name is Somi! And sure, we can be friends!"

"Well... you do know the way it works here, right? The newest friend has to give all the other friends $50. So pay up." Omi said with a bad aura coming off of her.

"Oh ummm, what happens when the newest friend doesn't have money?" I said, worried about disappointing my new 'friends'.

"They get beat."

End of Flashback

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