3. Panic

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End of Flashback

Somi's POV

"Ummmm..." Would this guy really be my friend? He did seem like a nice guy, but he could also be a really good actor. Maybe I should give him a chance. What if he asks for money though? I can afford it now with this new life but what if he has like, 137 friends for something?

"Umm, Somi?" Daniel said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh right! You wanted to be friends... S-sure I guess"


Daniel's POV

Omg my first friend! Maybe I can really be happy with this body.. I'm already starting to change!

"Class we have 2 new transfer students joining us today. Don't cause them any trouble. Come in!"

Omg this is it!

I looked at Somi and she looked pretty nervous.
"Hey are you okay?" I asked. I don't know why I'm asking her this when I'm a nervous wreck right now.

"I-Its just, I don't have good experience with classes.."
Why wouldn't she? She is more beautiful than any other girl I've seen before, that's for sure.

Somi's POV

When I said that, Daniel looked like he spaced out. Then he started to get..... red? Is he sick?

"Hey! Hurry up we don't have all day!" I heard the teacher say.

Me and Daniel both walked into the classroom, me being hid behind him because of my shortness.

'This sucks.. everyone's gonna compare me to him when I come into view..' I thought, still hiding behind his tall frame.

'Hi. My name is Daniel Park. I hope we can all be friends." Daniel said, flashing his pearly whites. (A/n- This is so cringey omg 😵 pearly whites?? Ahajsjajakajajaksjajakjs)

All the girls jaws seemed to have hit the ground when he smiled.

"Omg he is so hot!"

"Is he single?"

"Is he a model?"

Positive comments came from the girls as they looked like whispering tomatoes.

'Now it my turn..' I thought.

Stepping out from behind Daniel, everyone started to look at me, most of the boys looking like they should be in a hospital be with how red they were.

'Is the flu going around? I DONT WANNA GET SICK!'

"Hi.... My name is Somi Lynn." I said, giving a small smile.

"Omg who is she? His girlfriend?"

"I hope she's single."

"Ugh, I look better!"

"Where did she get that scar?"

"That looks like it hurt."

I felt a whole wave of panic start to settle in. They were talking about my scar... This is bad, really bad.

I started to shake, my vision getting a bit blurry.

Panic attack

My breathing increased as I started to worry more. Without warning, tears started to roll down my face and I felt myself drop to the ground. I heard voices but I wasn't listening.

Suddenly, I felt a hand of my shoulder. It was Daniel.

"Hey Somi! You need to calm down!" I heard him like he was yelling but it sounded faded out. I realized that the whole class was gathered around me and I didn't want to be the one wierd kid who passed out in front of the class.

Seeing Daniel's eyes, full of worry, I tried to calm down. I focused on my breathing, taking deep breaths. Soon, I was feeling okay and I stood up.

"I am so so sorry! It was just.. my anxiety. Again, I am so sorry!" I said while bowing to the crowd of classmates. Soon they all went back to their seats, still looking at me. Daniel sat next to some scary looking guy with hair that looked like it was made of 75% gel. I went to sit next to a guy with dyed blond hair, covering his eyes.

I tried to pay attention to the class but thoughts were running through my mind like crazy. Soon enough, the bell rang.


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