9. Meeting New People

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Dang, I wrote this really quickly. I thought it would be later or at least until tomorrow but I guess not. Hope you like it though.

3rd Person POV

Daniel couldn't believe what he just did. Everyone was cheering him on as he stared at his fist.

Eventually, the crowd dispersed and only the Fashion Dept. remained. Daniel was getting crowded and people were praising him left and right. Somi strayed away to her seat, not wanting to engage in too much human interaction.

While going to her seat, she noticed Jay also sitting in his seat. He was faced towards Daniel but quickly looked out the window when Somi came over.

'Must not like me, that's fine I guess. It's pretty normal anyway. It's not like this hasn't happened before.' She thought, taking a seat.


Somi's POV

'Its not abnormal for someone to ignore me, but it still hurts.'

The crowd around Daniel dispersed when the teachers finally came into the classroom, with the excuse of a teachers meeting.

As he taught the class, I just tuned everything out. I know what it's about anyways, I might have been bullied, but I'm still pretty intelligent. Atleast, I like to think I am.

I only don't get straight A's because back in my previous life, Omi would get mad at me for getting a perfect score. She would always tell me to do bad since she wanted first place.

I had to oblige, as I could do nothing against her at the time. Getting forced to do badly made my parents beat me more though. It was a lose-lose situation.

Soon enough, the bell rang, signaling break time, it took me out of my thoughts and I started to gain back my senses.

I noticed Jay leaving, probably to use the restroom or get a snack. I wanted to get myself a snack so I looked through my backpack in search for some money.

I ended up finding a couple bills so I took them with me and headed out the door. At the vending machine with drinks, I noticed a scary muscular looking guy with another guy with big ears.

'They look scary, I might not wanna go near them. But I should know better, never judge a book by its cover! But.. it might be different with these guys. They look like some kind of gangsters. No! Snap out of it! Just go get a drink! Simple.'

I slowly walked over to them, being careful not to draw attention to myself while trying not to look like I'm sneaking up behind them.

They were blocking the machine though, which kinda gave me no choice but to ask them to move. This was the only drink machine that I have seen so far, the only one I knew existed for now.

Building up courage that I didn't know I had, I called out to the guys.

"Uhm, excuse me? Uh, I um, I kinda want to use the machine.. c-can you please move a bit?"

'ACK- What was I thinking? They might just beat me for that! I hope they aren't as bad as they seem.. I might just be dead after this!'

"Oh sure! Sorry about that. Vasco here just wanted to get a drink himself and wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings. Right Vasco?" The one with big ears said, nudging the Vasco guy.


I could tell that these guys weren't actually bad, but I still was a bit stiff. I quickly pulled out my money and got some water with it. Before I could leave though, the big eared guy called out to me.

"Hey wait! My name is Jace, what's yours?"


"Oh uhm, my name is Somi."

I didn't want to come out rude to these people, so I had to respond.


3rd Person POV

Jace: "I haven't seen you around here before, are you new?"

Somi: "Yeah, I am. I'm one of the transfer students in the Fashion Dept.

Vasco: "Fashion? Like the guy who beat up Zack?"

Somi felt some kind of aura come out of Vasco that made her take a small step back and get nervous.

Somi: "Uhm, yeah.. I'm in t-that class. Is uh- Is something wrong?"

Vasco: "Tell that new kid-"

Jace: "Vasco! Can't you see that she's scared? Ugh, I am sorry about my friend here, he can be quite scary sometimes."

Somi: "No no no, it's fine! I'm just- nevermind."

Somi 💭: 'I can't have them worrying about me! I'm.. not worth it.'

Jace saw Somi look a little sad for a second until she gave a nervous smile to them.


Jace's POV

I noticed that Somi got a bit sad when I apologized for Vasco. I wonder what she's been through.

It's common for people to get nervous around us but something about her is different. People tend to be a bit more calm when I say sorry for Vasco, but she seemed more anxious.

Before I got the chance to ask her what was wrong, she quickly excused herself and left.

I turned to Vasco and saw that he had a tint of pink on his cheeks.

'She was kinda cute- wait what!? No! I can't think like that! If Vasco likes her, then I need to support that.'

"So Vasco, she catch your eye? Hmmmm?"

Vasco: "Wha- Jace!"

'I'm gonna support my best friend, no matter what.'


3rd Person POV

Somi 💭: 'I thought I was gonna get bullied or something. Good thing I got out of there though. But then again, they did seem kinda nice. Like that Daniel guy. Speaking of, he hasn't talked to me. Maybe I was just a nobody to him after all.'

As Somi sulked her way back to class and sat down, she hadn't noticed the bit of blood staining her seatmates shirt.

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