6. Convenience Store

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3rd Person POV

"Here you go." One of the goons handed Daniel an ID that clearly didn't belong to him. (Let's call him 'Guy 1')

"Um.. That doesn't look like you." Daniel said, trying not to sound nervous.

"Huh!? I've gained weight.. okay?"

The two kept going on about the ID while Somi was in the back, still trying to eat her Oreos without being caught.

'Why did this happen now? I've done nothing wrong!'

The 3 goons were about to give up when someone opened the door.

"Hey! Let's just go somewhere else! Stop messing around!"

There, at the door, was Zack.

'Why is Zack here?' Somi thought. 'Is he trying to buy cigarettes with them? Teens are messed up... me included' (¡~¡)

'Eh? That fatso looks familiar..' Zack thought, looking at the boy behind the counter.

"Hey. We're good here. Grab a bunch of booze too, hehe."

As Zack said that, Somi ducked and started to move around, trying to find a better spot to hide. 'I am NOT about to get caught eating junk food! They would call me fat and that will not be helping my already damaged diet.' Somi though, finding a better hiding spot.

After grabbing what they wanted, Zack put everything o e the counter. "Hey. Let's forgive and forget. Ring this up in honor of our truce. And did I say? I'm not fucking paying."

'Dang, I can't just sit here! They are not only buying stuff that is illegal for their age, Zack looks like he is about to murder the poor cashier!' Somi started to sneakily move towards the counter. Going unnoticed, Somi decided on staying close, if anything happens, she could just jump in. Although they are in the same class, this would not be easy..

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